12 thoughts on “Real Divinity

  1. I thought this is a wonderful post. I agree. There is a touch of the divine in my sexual dreams and reality. I am fortunate to be in a marriage with a man who embodies this as well.
    It is what Whitman wrote of, the ritual of comrades.

  2. You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, your just might find, you get what you need!

  3. Hi. I share many of your thoughts and desires – thanks for expressing them. I wish men would be more open and willing to talk about male on male intimacy whether str8 bi or gay. Like you i find mr cox’s gentle gifts fulfilling and sexually nurturing.

  4. Hi. I share many of your thoughts and desires – thanks for expressing them. I wish men would be more open and willing to talk about male on male intimacy whether str8 bi or gay.

  5. “I have found in you,” he said? Is there something missing? Or is this Denglisch? (Wenn das der Fall ist, würde ich gerne den O-Ton lesen).

    1. I have found that long overdue safe place. Every bit of it: warm, kind attentive, soft, constantly present and no intruding.
      We have the most wonderful talks full of laughter and hot sex crowned with a spoon nap. We know we are there, even to share silence.
      We are both married, have a wife and daughters. We love our families. And we know we have grown as men also because he have shared more than friends are “supposed to share”: physical intimacy. We like our bonding and take care of it.
      We count ourselves extremely lucky and we don’t demand anything but sincerity.
      When we first met more than a year ago, we knew that we had to add value to our friendship. Sex wouldn’t be enough to cement a long lasting bonding.
      From them on, we meet frequently and we want to maintain a “tag free” relationship: lovers? Bi men having sexual encounters? Partners?… we prefer to be plain, simple, normal men. No agenda but being happy exploring affections usually hidden under heavy layers of socially accepted “normal” behavior.
      We are different from each other. We feel and vibrate in a different wave length. And our visions complement each other. We allow ourselves to be different.
      Life has given us an opportunity and we have been wise and humble enough to take it. We are happy men.

    2. Andreas, I too have found exactly what you describe. A friend like no other, a mate-with-soul, made possible by the sex we have, a deep bond and understanding for each others life, simply just “normal men” as you say. Geography keeps us apart physically a fair amount of time but it is more than just sex. We are different from each other too and that is good, as lovers fall into the trap of focusing inward and gazing into each other’s eyes in an attempt to becum a whole, we are able to stand apart beside each other, reassured, looking forwards at the opportunities of life.

      I am BoBs Bumchum

    3. Stephen. I love you too. A friend with several benefits, not the least of which is compassion and a shoulder to cry on and yet maintain our place as men, separate, independent, strong and true to ourselves.
      Thank you.
      And thank you also to Seb Cox whose wonderful site brought us together like two ancient Greeks bound in honour and manly enjoyment of all our sex has to offer each other.

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