To wrap my arms and legs around another man’s body. To feel how his strength matches my own, not in a combative way, but in harmony. How our muscles play against each other, how our body hair generates a different kind of hear as it meets and merges, how our senses get heightened by each others’ scents, and kindles something that can be described almost as racial memory written in our DNA, of ancestral lust and love. Something I don’t understand on a conscious level, but that my brain decodes, peeling away all my inhibitions and notions of civilized behavior, layer by layer. Until all that’s left of me is a cave dwelling animal who only needs earthly satisfaction. And he gives it to me, so generously and willing. Experiencing that masculine kindness and love is one of the most rewarding feelings I’ve had and it’s made me into a whole person. A whole man. – Ben

3 thoughts on “Ancestral Lust

  1. I agree, these are powerful statements by Ben and Tyler. I too, since a man kissed me at the age of 15, have been overthrown, remade, usurped, captured, taken, imprisoned, enthralled, and ravished by my lust and love for men. I have no idea why. It just happened.

  2. Women talk and act like men need them, it’s a lie men only need men for all their needs and desires. Once a man has touched another man we know it but a lot of men having trouble admitting it. Our pricks ass
    holes we are meant to be sexual with each other. Father’s and sons relationship would be best if they would submit to the sexual desires between them. We just have to admit and embrace male sexuality. Homosexuality is natural between men and very beautiful. Our cocks fit perfectly together and is very pleasurable for both men. If father’s and sons would stop resisting our natural desire and attraction to each other. Stop competing take each other in our arms and fuck, kiss and give into his our sexual desires for each other.

  3. This is so emotionally moving and beautiful! Even poetic and full of truth. Thank you so much. I found myself inside the semantic of your written words.

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