13 thoughts on “Straight Butts

  1. I agree with all written here. Although I identify publicly as heterosexual, I am aroused by the male body clothed or naked in all acts of sexual unity. This includes acts between men. I will not label myself but revel in the pleasure this offers. I continue to enjoy my relationship with my own body, a life of erotic pleasure forged over many decades. Approaching the sixth decade of my life does not diminish this. I have found equal pleasure in my penis and balls as I have my arse. My masturbations have included stimulation of my anus as well as my penis, discovering great sensitivity on the entrance as well as deeper pleasures within. New ecstasies have been revealed to me, my only regret is not finding another person, female or male, to enjoy this with me.

    In celebration of this long and fulfilling relationship with my arse I feel the need to show it and share it with all who access this wonderful place. I hope you enjoy it, happy as I am to show a life long sexual partner who, together with my penis have given many hours of joy with absolutely no strings attached. Maybe I will be brave enough at some point to show the other member of this duo. Until then, gaze on my friends.

    1. Hé David,
      Wonderfull bum!! You got there! It s a great asset!
      I am not afraid to show mine. As a bonus the too!!! 😀

    2. David, as I was reading your accounts of your wonderful excursions that have given you such pleasure, I too was reminded of my similar journeys of self-sexual arousal! I, too, am an elderly man in my late 70’s! So, David, you can enjoy many moons ahead of that wonderful feeling of self-imposed arousals, hard penis with oozing pre-cum flowing as your lubricant as well as savoring its wonderful sweetness for your enjoyment, only to be further thrilled with an orgasm followed by that “wild ejaculation” for your eating pleasure! Like you, I had wonderful experiences in my teen-age years with other teen-aged boys from 13-19! Those were the days . . . ! Now, it’s hard to find “clean” men! I wish you well with your enjoyment of your HaPenis excursions!

  2. I love to see a masculine man’s ass, especially if the man is comfortable with his ass, Some men will never explore their ass and will always think of them as dirty or unmanly to explore. Now alot more straight men are experimenting alone or with a partner. The thing is many women , do not want to stimulate or explore his ass hole. Some women do not believe a straight man would like to receive anal. I gave massages for a living and introduced many men to their prostate, and anal masturbation. It always surprised me how many men have never been rimmed. Many men said they eat their girlfriend’s ass during sex, but the women will not return the favor. If the man is clean why not? Anal sex will not make you gay or looking at another man’s ass.

  3. The ability to appreciate a female body was all I needed to understand that it works the same way for fellas who aren’t like me, a guy into guys.
    Peace my bothers and I appreciate everyone who comments here.

  4. When a guy gets a charge from looking at other guys’ butts, I’d say it’s the first stage of him being drawn into his NATURAL bisexuality. Some guys are better at keeping this door shut. Men deprived of pussy for a long time (military, prisoners) often give in to these urges out of necessity only – cuz there is STILL so much internal shame connected with our NATURAL bend toward bisexuality. Terms like “man crush,” “bromance,” etc. at least hint at this activity becoming normalized in our culture – finally. Life is too short to limit your love for a best friend to a handshake – if you’ve had a buddy for years, try hugging more often. And open your big mouth by addressing the issue with him. See what happens.
    I’m an old guy who’s recently been amazed to discover my lifelong married friend has had sexual feelings for me for decades – he finally confessed these longings. Neither of us (I have always been gay) ever brought this subject up before to each other. So, especially if you’re a young man, keep opening the door to bisexuality IF the impulse is there to draw you to look at a guy’s butt. It might be liberating to continue.

  5. You know, reading everything here, I think yes you sound very interesting to me, sexually as a guy with interesting heritage, you’re probably exquisite looking.
    And Robert Thomas was my best friend at high school, great rugby build, and I would have been crushing….
    Billy has hit it, watching the walk and thinking about the thrusting, that’s what glutes are for.
    Butt Charlie, there’s no shame in looking at mens arses, everybody does it but only women say yes they do. Naked is best because it is soooo much better, hairy or not, stuff you don’t get clothed. I would say to you keep looking Charlie, you are not old yet when you have this interest.
    Looking at butts is kind of quite different to being cock obsessed. Seb has put a beautiful selection of butt together here which is not about cock. Some men like both, others maybe not.
    I think the importance is that you are engaging in masculine appreciation without shame or homosexual labelling.
    We all look! Some of us act on it.

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