13 thoughts on “Sexual Healing

  1. Inspirational.

    We need more sex workers like you who help heal men with these issues.

    If more “straight” men would simply open up and relax they would see a whole new world before them. Of caring Homosexuals who know how to properly make them feel wanted and loved.
    As Homosexuals we know how to make a man erect and suck his cock to orgasm, drinking his sperm in loving acceptance. This act of love brings all men together.

  2. I love my husband and know he loves me. We enjoy each other’s company, but our sex life has been non existent for years. I sought outside encounters. Presumably he sought outlets but he simply doesn’t have as potent interest in sex. However, after his recent surgery I reinitiated sex after years of avoiding, but it was unsatisfactory. He loves holding my hand while watching tv. But sex is quietly ignored. I want sex, but I merely chat on sex hook up sites. I am afraid that as 80 I’m too old to have anonymous or Nsa sex encounters.

    1. Preppydadps, never under estimate sex, Age has nothing to do with it, I am 88 and still fucking love anonymous sex encounters especially. A Glory Hole is the perfect example, Just thinking about finding a Glory Hole or seeing a pic of one with a Cock in it waiting for a hot throat makes me horny .

  3. As a part time sex worker years ago, I provided full body erotic massage for men. Over time, I found that many of my clients had a much deeper reason to see me than just getting their rocks off. So many of my clients became repeats and as our familiarity grew, they began to speak of the pain and damage in their lives. They were men who felt alone, unloved, unappreciated and broken, and the majority were straight identified. We would enter into long conversations about these issues and their feelings about themselves and ways in which they might resolve them. We did this either before or after the actual massage as I didn’t want to diminish the full effect of the tenderness I tried to convey with each caress of his body. I had 10 years of working in an active care psychiatric unit to draw from, so I was able to maximize my listening skills. Thus, I am in full agreement with the sentiments stated in this post. If anything, I find more men than ever carry these invisible wounds with them throughout their lives.

  4. I love the physicality of man sex, the reasons are endless. But this story reminds me that the most intimate moments with a man, are often in the service of helping them recover who they are, lost beneath the layers of responsibility and stressors. They are never truly lost, just a little tender love and effort can make them new again.

  5. This happed to me while in a Gay relationship of 20 years! I am sure someone will make me out the be the bad guy!

    Heads-Up! This is not just about BI Men!!! Sometimes good Gay Men get into this same shit-storm of under appreciation!

    Unlike the guy in your story…I got the fuck out!
    Acutally, considering crossing the tracks back to women again!

    1. Oh don’t!
      A good man is hard to find and a hard man is good to find.
      We have so much more to give each other than you get from women.

  6. I so long to have that kind of physical intimacy without the expectation of forming a relationship! Earlier in my life I had a delightful fuck buddy and I’m so grateful for the memories we created…but life and job pressures caused me to move away.

    1. Thanks Stephen. An angel I certainly am not. I just love sex with men, and I have a special hard spot for under appreciated men who don’t know how wonderful they are, or how much they have to give. Men need to feel needed and appreciated. I give them both, and get the same need fulfilled as well.

      Hugs, Ben

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