As a part time sex worker years ago, I provided full body erotic massage for men. Over time, I found that many of my clients had a much deeper reason to see me than just getting their rocks off. So many of my clients became repeats and as our familiarity grew, they began to speak of the pain and damage in their lives. They were men who felt alone, unloved, unappreciated and broken, and the majority were straight identified.
We would enter into long conversations about these issues and their feelings about themselves and ways in which they might resolve them. We did this either before or after the actual massage as I didn’t want to diminish the full effect of the tenderness I tried to convey with each caress of his body. I had 10 years of working in an active care psychiatric unit to draw from, so I was able to maximize my listening skills. Thus, I am in full agreement with the sentiments stated in this post. If anything, I find more men than ever carry these invisible wounds with them throughout their lives. – Leo
This is exactly why I love to suck cock, especially from married men.
The care and attention and admiration of their masculinity is a gift that I love to give and it keeps on giving.