Since I found this site, I’ve made my calling to service men who live the straight lifestyle. Often men whose wives have made them involuntarily celibate. These downtrodden men are so full of life and have so many wonderful, unfulfilled fantasies. So I find them, I talk with them, I make feel them feel attractive, and most of all wanted. They don’t need to have a perfect body. They don’t need to have a huge cock (although many of them do). They only need to embrace some of their manliest attributes, and when I tell them that, 9/10 times they say their wives don’t like it when they do. So they meet their women when they’re young and virile. And over they years she strips him of his manly traits one by one, until all that’s left is a shadow that she is no longer attracted to. She goes on to read erotic novels for women like 50 Shades of Gray, while he gets to read the newspaper funny pages. She forbids him to express masculinity or sexuality in any shape or form.

And here I come in, telling him his silvery chest hair is beautiful. That he should grow a thick beard. I tell him that his undeodorized hairy pits smell entoxicating, like a mans natural cologne. I tell him his cock is amazing. Caress his forgotten body. I suck and lick his nipples, often the first to have ever done so. And he whimpers like a pup at all the new sensations I give him. And slowly I see him revive. It’s almost like some of his youth returns to him. He gets that spark back in his eyes. Gone is that pathetic, flaccid shadow of a man I talked to earlier. He is reborn, and he has needs that demand respect and attention. His cock now throbs in my hand, as my mouth worships it. I let him spew his manliness all over my beard, and tell him he is always welcum back for more. And he will.Ben

8 thoughts on “Respect & Attention

    1. Hahaha! Hell yeah brother. I would be lying if said I don’t love it. It’s about giving and taking.

  1. I loved reading your article. I recently had my first experience and know exactly what you’re expressing. I never felt so much pleasure in having my cock and body worshipped. I’m looking forward to feeling that again.

  2. Dear Ben

    Really enjoyed reading your article and I am thrilled you are helping guys get their manhood together. Respect and attention resumes it all very well.
    Did you choose that beautiful photo at the top of your article? Wonderful portrait I must say.

    Lots of the best


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