Mates & Cocks

Men care more what their mates think of their cock than their partner. The University of Victoria in Australia carried out a survey on 738  men. The study found that the majority were happy with their cock size in the bedroom, but most still felt insecure when comparing their manhood to other males. Victoria University Doctorate of Clinical Psychology graduate Dr. Annabel Chan Feng Yi carried out an online study of 738 men about their body image. She found most of the men, aged between 18 and 76, were insecure about their weight, build, and even their penis size. But instead of being concerned over what their girlfriends may think of their physique, many admitted it mattered most what their friends thought. Dr. Chan said: ‘Men’s pre-occupation with size was rarely to do with pleasing sexual partners or even appearing as a better sexual partner. ‘It was often more about competition with other men. Many felt most insecure about their size in environments where other men might see them, such as gym change rooms.’ She said those who suffered from ‘locker room syndrome’ were actually content with their size when it came to sexual matters with their partner. But a desire to compete against other males led to an obsession with body building and being muscular – especially among homosexual men who were surveyed.

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