7 thoughts on “Mates & Cocks

    1. Me too Gary, me too. Many thanks to Mr. Cox for a wonderful site. The variety of topics, the gorgeous men
      so much to keep track of. Your website is awesome!!

  1. I’m 65, with a rather good physique. I like how I look and proud of my ” attributes”. I’m horny quite often and get rock hard
    very easily. I enjoy mutual masturbation and public nudity. Seeing another man naked all the mechanics begin to work
    and go into over drive. Men are sexy as hell

    1. Wow! That’s a massive cock you got there Dave. I can tell you are very proud of it. And you should. I am not afraid anymore to show you mine. Maybe not that massive, but I am very proud wit it. And it’s Mine!!!

    2. Happy to see you’ve embraced displaying your cock as it deserves to be shown.
      Looks mighty fine to me stud.

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