18 thoughts on “Homo Wet Dreams

  1. 60’s guy here. Had wet dreams growing up and occasionally still do. I’m so glad to asked about self- sucking… many of my erotic/ wet dreams involve me sucking myself off. I’m always amazed I can do it… then I wake up realizing it was only a dream 🙁
    But, it was great while it lasted!

  2. BCHNCA,
    I think my first wet dream was at age 13 and it involved a girl from my class. I remember us in our underwear together and then I was naked,. I can’t remember the details, but I woke up a sticky mess. I also recall homoerotic dreams when I was a young teen, and at age 15 was introduced to man to man sex, which fueled my homoerotic dreams that were sometimes wet dreams. In all cases, i dreamed of me sucking cock, which was my passion, and sometimes of me as an anal bottom, even before I had that experience in real life. I often dreamed of friends, teachers, my priest, adult men in my neighborhood, etc. In one powerful wet dreams at age 17, I was naked on my knees, sucking a teacher while one on my straight friends was deep in my backside. This theme of being sexual with men from my “normal” life has continued through the years. I am a closeted bisexual and I admit that I love these fantasy dreams about serving straight men I know. As I grew into me 20s, wet dreams faded away and at age 67, I cannot remember when I had my last one. It is interesting that the only wet dream starring a female that I recall was that first dream at 13. In every other, it was me sucking cock or being fucked. I am so incredible hard writing this!

  3. I don’t recall ever having an ejaculation in my sleep, if that’s what you mean by a wet dream. I finally concluded, that once I learned to masturbate at puberty, I was wanking it every chance I had. At which time, I had “tons of sex” in my day.

  4. I’m 71, so I haven’t had a wet dream in decades…I guess I’ve been masturbating too frequently. When I did, my dreams were of needing to urinate and occasionally involved naked people,, but not any explicit sex.

  5. Haven’t had one for a long time. Probably since being a teenager or early 20s. (Late 50s now) Involved a variety of actions but not always obviously sexual. Only woke when I shot my load. Felt the warm jizz in my pajamas like I’d wet my pants but instead it was sticky cum with lots of pre-cum. Almost like a prostate orgasm. I would say most were homoerotic, but as for my position or role I couldn’t say. However, they were always outside, and involved me dropping my pants and unburdening myself of clothes. Then I would feel vulnerable. They were certainly situations where the homoerotic tension grew with the other man and then released when I crossed that barrier to give into the urge. There’s something inevitable about them. Something I resist and then can’t help butt give into an irresistible urge which is deeply comforting. I woke with a great sense of peace. And jizzed jammas

  6. i had a wet dream at age 17 involving barba streisand whom i love. the closest i’ve ever come to hetero, that must count for something. if any of you know barbra please don’t tell her this

  7. My wet dreams were always homosexual and I was always the bottom. I also have dreams of sucking other men’s cock’s. I had to try it for real during puberty because in my dreams I really loved being penetrated. Nothing could deter me so I went to a gay bar downtown. Got picked up and thought it hurt I loved it.

  8. Joe, sorry to hear that you haven’t had a wet dream. I believe that they occur more often when our balls are full and we need release. For me they happen when I am in that lucid dream state. I had one years ago when I had my jeans on and took a nap. I mostly wake up after I have shot my load. I have stopped myself a few times because I was in a shared hotel room or staying with a friend…so in my dream state I would become aware of what was happening and I would wake up….rock hard but not drenched in cum lol I would suggest reading up on lucid dreaming and use that to have one.

  9. I’m interested to hear how many men have NEVER had a wet dream. I’ve never had one and I’m both jealous and curious. Are they pleasurable? In your dreams are you aware that you’re having an orgasm. Does it always wake you up or can you sleep through one? I’m almost 60. I’ve never had a hernia exam, prostate exam or wet dream!! I feel cheated.

    1. I have always had wet dreams, it’s very sensual, I’m 52 and still have them that wake me aroused. I just hope they keep cumming.

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