For more years than I care to remember, I’ve always enjoyed having my body and/or genitals touched and massaged, especially by someone else. Their gender wasn’t an issue for me, it was what they were doing and how that made me feel that was the key factor. I was a sensation junkie 🙂 Through this and my own explorations it wasn’t long before I realised that whilst I don’t suffer from premature ejaculation as such (though there are some who subscribe to the notion that ANY ejaculation before you’re ready, is premature), the fact that I do cum quickly can be a disadvantage. Having said that, it’s never been a barrier to me enjoying my sexual explorations, and I don’t have any particular problems with the situation. Yes, it can be frustrating at times, but it lead to one memorable session with a male friend a few years back, where I was made to cum 3 times in 9 minutes – that was fun!!!!!! I mentioned that I don’t really get sexually aroused by females, yet neither do I get turned on by males, transvestites or transsexuals.

What does work with me though, is reading about or seeing other men being sexually stimulated in various ways, and wishing that it was being done to me, especially if it involved them being teased until they were begging for release or made to cum again and again. In general, it was situations where I had no control of how or what was being that appealed, and it was in this context that I first explored the bdsm scene around 5 years ago. At the time I had little or no idea of what was really involved, but from a few bits I’d seen on the net, it looked as though this was somewhere I could realise those fantasies. As with many other things in life, surprises and revelations are to be found where you least expect them, and the bdsm scene is no exception. As a very nervous newcomer, the first thing that struck me was the sheer openness and acceptance that I was welcomed with. The openness with which matters of a sexual (and sometimes personal nature) were discussed was quite an eye opener for me too. At the very first meeting I went to (this was in a pub, not a party or club) there was quite an open discussion about female genital piercing and clit rings 🙂 It was this openness and friendly atmosphere that gave me then confidence to talk about my own sexuality, and through this I came to understand that it didn’t matter that I didn’t really fit neatly into any particular pigeon hole, what really mattered was that I was “ME” – Brian

2 thoughts on “Begging 4 Release

    1. Thanks for this amazing video! What a god! Loving the cum fountain and his perineum contract as he shoots that creamy load!

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