9 thoughts on “Brotherhood of Priapic Worship

  1. What an incredibly gorgeous, beautiful, perfect cock! If I had a boyfriend with such a gorgeous cock, I’d want to go down on him–lovingly–all the time, looking forward to his filling my mouth with cum. I would offer him my cock just as often.

  2. I so enjoy reading the comments and personal histories of the many men who generously offer them as a universal affirmation of our brotherhood. In this same vein, I came across this very perceptive and pertinent quote by Camille Paglia, an American career academic and social critic, discussing certain gay male behaviors. She states “Gay men are the guardians of the masculine impulse. To have anonymous sex in a dark alleyway is to pay homage to the dream of male freedom. The unknown stranger is a wandering pagan god. The altar, as in prehistory, is anywhere you kneel.” That enlightened view of one of our most sacred acts is huge. I have no doubt that the arbiters of social acceptance excoriated her for uttering such blasphemy. But I took great satisfaction in the fact that an academic, who is broadly accepted in mainstream society, is brave enough to state the conclusions of her research.

  3. I have been know as an ORAL COCK WORSHIPER for most of my adult life. Ceremonial and ritualized cock worship have always been a thrill for me and I attended The Church of Cock I think it was called years ago in S.F. I wanted to go to Toronto to experience that Phallic center, too. Now living in Western Washington, USA but always interested in corresponding and meeting with men who share my interest.

    1. What a gorgeous, beautiful cock! Exactly the kind of cock I wish to worship! Men are so much more adept at worshipping cocks! Thank you for this beautiful image. . . .

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