You spend hour after hour looking for pictures and videos of hung older men on the internet. You can edge for hours looking at all those big old godly beauties. You bring yourself close, again and again, before you click onto the next…
It’s much better to actually get with a hot, big dicked daddy than pining over them on the internet. Yes, his life, his experience, and his confidence radiates through the pictures. But to actually be with him, and have him teach you things up close and personal is just pure magick. Another aspect is what you do for HIM. You’re letting him know that he still matters. He still got it, in a culture where age is often looked down upon, youth undeservingly worshipped. In some African tribal societies, receiving the seed from your elders is considered a gift. A magickal transferral of his power and wisdom. So, let more daddies out there know they’re appreciated and respected. – Ben

I see in older men a kind of acceptance of others that only comes with experience. The older you get, the more tolerant we are of other men and their proclivities. You’ve been through all the hardships of life and cum out the other side. Grateful for every stiffy and not ashamed of who we are and what we enjoy. More willing to take what cums. Lend a hand and enjoy the day. – BoB
How many Power and Wisdom is in old Mans Cock? Very very much. I enjoy to see ther Cocks and Balls full with there Power of Semen
Very nice I wish I was there
I wantednyou to know that i seriously enjoyed your video amd pictures. Thank you for sharimg them. If i were able to, id sit directly in front of you, at your feet and watch that in all.its glory, and await that sweet necter. Eyes wide with anticipation, mouth open, ready to worship! Blessed be
My first taste of cock was when I was a teen and that cock belonged to a friend and mentor who was 20 years older than me. He would go on to introduce me to older men, some as old or older than my dad, and I found deep satisfaction in satisfying them. Hot, lusty, older men became my target of choice, and I loved playing the young innocent, fueling their fantasies as well as my own. As I matured I kept in touch with some of them and made other, older friends, pleasing their big, beautiful manhood for as long as I could, sadly saying a final farewell to most of them as the years passed. Now I am well into my 60s, now the older man myself, and my regular playmates are my age and a bit older. How I still love to service hung daddies!
You’ve been fortunate to have such a range of experiences. Mine have been mostly in fantasy and dream, though even those memories are satisfying. I still dream of actual possibilities at 80.
The power and wisdom is between men’s legs and Seb’s awesome site is the fountain which fuels man’s desire to enrich their lives with the glory of cock. Thank you Seb
Bless You
Wow big gorgeous cock Iam same age no we’re near the big sexy cock these sex men
As an Asian boy, my biggest dream is to please daddies of all races
Just sharing a beautiful wisdom filled man.
Hi Seb. Here my contribution to the new cumm-ing.
Im so glad you are recovering the site. You have created a haven that is a safe place to express my manliness.
Best regards
hot hot hot and sexy and beautiful 😍
My first encounter with an older man, and cock, was when I was 19. Knew I was gay and couldn’t wait to taste cock. Finally the time came. He followed me into the bathroom, stood beside me at the urinal, and flashed me his cut cock. He was at least 50 and my heart was beating a mile a minute. After flashing me for a bit, he nodded to the stalls and off we went. I sat on the bowl, he pulled down his pants, and the odour, FUCK, can still smell him in my brain. I slowly took him in my mouth and he exploded almost right away. Ate every fucking drop. Only problem was how fast he shot. Could have blown him for hours. To this day at the ripe old age of 59, when I jerk off, I still use him as my fantasy. I still prefer only to have sex with older men. The more hung the better. But, have never refused a cock. Getting a raging hardon right now. I just want to see you hot men and cocks and cum for the rest of my life. Keep em cumming. Best fucking site!