Seb: I am 85 and will be 86 in February. Have wanked my cock since I was young — have never stopped. For the past 20 years, I do lots, I mean lots, of edging, with petit morts and inejacualtion, followed up with mind blowing orgasms at least three or four times a week and sweet ejaculations. i ingest my ejaculate, My. orgasms seem to get better each time. I have stoney erections and use a finger or two to massage my prostate one had to massage my prostate — often to orgasm. – PE

34 thoughts on “Mind Blowing Orgasms At 86

  1. Hi, I am 67 and as many married man wife stop feeling desire for sex, now i started to masturbate again as when I was a teenager, I found this site and I love all the man showing their manhood, the first day I enter this site I had to masturbate because of you, you make me felt so horny and very inspirational I had a great orgasm, I imagined sucking your manhood and taken your nectar in my mouth it was great thanks for sharing your story and your body for our pleasure.

  2. I’m just turning 80, a d daily disappointed to not be able to get hard, which I blame on medication.. still working on righting that. But I am still horny as hell. Terribly grateful for this site and all the beautiful men sharing their gorgeous jewels. It meets my needs halfway… hoping to rectify my inadequacy, but cumm what may. Would love to play with senior guys …. where to find them.
    Nice guy with dreams of pipes. 😏

    1. Hi Declan, First of all, I’m not one to give advice, but I’ll tell you what I did when my partner was getting weaker even though he really wanted a good handjob. One day I realized that my sexual apparatus was becoming unable to maintain an erection, simply because the venous system (not the arterial one) was not contracting enough to retain the blood in the cavernous bodies. Then I began to understand why many older men put rings on the base of the tool. I began to experiment with different materials, from metal rings with enough diameter to be able to insert them all the way to the base and any other material made or reshaped by myself. I finally came to the conclusion that the ring had to be narrow enough so that blood could pass through my penis, but also partially prevent its withdrawal. So that by forcing the entry with my pubococcygeus muscles I could achieve a hard erection, but that it could not only be maintained with the necessary caresses, but that by stopping acting on the tool, it could slowly deflate. I finally found the right size by making them with synthetic rubber cylinders cut to size and joined with cyanoacrylate glue, which is very strong. The only downside to these rings is that if you decide to finish, it can be painful, because the meatus also closes and the ejaculation cannot come out. But for my edging jerks it works perfectly and I have become an expert at knowing how to stop just in time, to prevent the fatal spill, and that is also very gratifying, because by not ejaculating, you do not have the “Refraction” effect that attenuates the desire to jerk off again a while later.
      If you have any questions, I am at your service and happy jerking off…
      Hola Declan: Primero que nada, no soy quién para dar consejos pero, te contaré que hice yo cuando mi compañero se fue debilitando aunque tuviera muchas ganas de una buena paja. Un día me di cuenta que mi aparato sexual, se estaba volviendo incapaz de mantener una erección, simplemente por el hecho que el sistema venoso (no el arterial) no se contraía lo suficiente como para retener la sangre en los cuerpos cavernosos. Entonces empecé a entender porqué muchos hombres mayores se ponían unos anillos en la base de la herramienta. Yo empecé a experimentar con distintos materiales, desde anillos metálicos con diámetro suficiente como para poderlos meter hasta la base y de cualquier otro material hecho o reformado por mi mismo. Llegué finalmente a la conclusión que dicho anillo debía ser lo suficientemente estrecho como para que pudiera pasar la sangre a través de mi pene, pero también que impidiera parcialmente la retirada del mismo. De tal modo que forzando la entrada con mis músculos Pubocoxigeus lograra una dura erección, pero que no solo se mantuviera con las caricias necesarias, sino que dejando de actuar en la herramienta, esta pudiera desinflarse lentamente. Finalmente encontré la medida correcta haciéndolos con cilindros de goma sintética cortados a la medida y unidos con cola de cianocrilatos que son muy fuertes. La única contra de estos anillos es que si se te da por acabar, puede resultar dolorosa, porque también queda cerrado el meato y no puede salir la eyaculación. Pero para mis pajas de bordes funciona a la perfección y me he vuelto un experto en saber detenerme justo a tiempo, para impedir el derrame fatal, y eso también es muy gratificante, porque al no eyacular, no se te presenta el efecto de “Refracción” que te atenúan las ganas de volverte a hacer nuevas pajas un rato después.
      Cualquier pregunta estoy a tu órdenes y felices pajas…

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