standing looking admiring approaching touching embracing caressing squeezing smelling kissing licking kneeling holding admiring caressing smelling kissing licking gorging tasting … blessing

8 thoughts on “The Encounter

  1. The poem is really great because it expresses what is common to all “encounters” that I have had, be it the first kiss in high school that sealed my life-time love of and sexual need for men, or the chaotic “first fuck,” which fell flat, with my first hook up with a guy down the street from where I lived with my wife, or the time I got into the bed of a young Iraq veteran and fell head over heels into the pools of his azure blue eyes: it is the instant when you are blessed with a chance to become yourself and someone else at the same moment, mind, body, and soul.

    1. Thanks for your comment, AJ…. wonderful memories, eh? I enjoy painting memories, fantasies with brush or word. Glad it touched your heart. I enjoy your many comments…..

  2. My first encounter, I was a trembling mass of nerves, but I was in safe hands. He was gentle and patient but persistent. My first touch was him hugging e as I trembled. As he helped me to relax I seemed to open myself to his insistent hands. It was so erotic and led to wonderful things.

    1. Kurt is not wrong. The words listed as an encounter couldn’t describe better the joyous beauty of mansex and its affirming, validating, wholesome good clean fun.

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