A study from the University of Illinois has reported that some men precum so much that they have to wear protection while dating. Dr Jacob Rajfer began the research by posed the following question for discussion. “I have a healthy patient in his 40s who complained that he has copious amounts of “pre-ejaculation” to the point that he has to wear protection when he goes out on a date and gets aroused. I know this is a normal phenomenon, but obviously not to this degree. Any thoughts? – Source
We had a similar case of this exact problem. This young man would actually soak through his pants during kissing or other mild erotic stimulation, and this situation was quite embarrassing for him. = Dr Dana Ohl
We frequently see this complaint among young unmarried men in our society. The majority have no regular sexual relations. This clear mucoid secretion is termed “prosemen” and is secreted by Cowper glands and the small submucosal glands of “Littre” during sexual excitation. This should be differentiated from another physiologic secretion called prostatorrhea. Prostatorrhea is an excess prostatic secretion that is associated with straining during urination or defecation. Both types do not require treatment, and the patient should be reassured. If the situation is embarrassing for him, he can use a small absorbent towel. – Dr Ibrahim Fahmy
I’ve never had precum ever. If I’m rock hard for a loooong time Inmight get one tiny drop I can milk out but essentially notion. Never had nocturnal emissions either.
I always wondered if that was “normal” but it’s normal for me. But my libido has always been sky high and I enjoy a larger than average cock so I’ve concluded that it’s “normal” for me.