Your body contains seven special energy centres, usually called “chakras” in tantric literature. Start your session with a gentle massage of each zone. Start at your perineum. Then move along to the base of your penis. Then move along to the area opposite your naval. The next region is the heart and cardiac region, find a point between your nipples. Then the base of the throat, is followed by the point between the eyebrows. Finish with your skull. Go up and down with your hands several times. With your right hand make a rotation clock wise movements in 5-7 inch distance from the body for each area. Repeat the same thing with your left hand.

4 thoughts on “Juan King

  1. Believe me, since I discovered Chakra work a few years ago, my masturbation has just changed. Slow, focused, self love. Chakras when balanced and aligned, they can provide a whole different “full body” orgasm that is literally out of this world.

  2. OMG these techniques sound like heaven. I’d enjoy every minute of it as I know others would too.
    Hours and hours of pleasure

    1. Dave, I admire your bravery to put yourself out there. Although I don’t think I aspire to the same, there has to be a reason I so admire you brother.
      You are a rock star!
      Keep on keepin on.

  3. Magnificent, just spent a few tantric hours with that New technique and Whoah Thats NICE…and Bonus, Seb, Your choice of Gentleman for the title Pic reminds me of an old friend of mine from years ago… Damn he was Haaawt. Thanks again Seb 🙂

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