3 thoughts on “Satisfying Solo

  1. Oh yes the total satisfaction, the glaring steady admonition when my erect cock stands tall in front of me
    I admire it’s beauty, hardness and magnificence. My eyes stay fixated on the beauty of a mans cock. The power it yields and the joy it brings to us all

  2. The Fascinus… fascinates me.
    Just like that guy in the image, I get great pleasure from looking at my hard cock. Just like a phallus symbol in a shrine, I can worship my own member. Holding it, gazing at it, contemplating its form.
    Like an antenna it receives signals of love from the divine realm, and my nervous system interprets them as waves of pleaure. Every single thought that goes through my mind is one of awe, pride and beauty. Nothing about the form of man’s cock is by accident. Every contour has its purpose. I gaze at it with a sense of being chosen, and with that comes waves of immense… gratitude. Towards every manly, rustic god that’s been worshipped by mankind. Freyr, Pan, Priapus, Eloji, kokopelli, Min… and many more.

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