4 thoughts on “Private Dicks

  1. Slick HBO documentary, appealing men and candour from them on a variety of conventional, heterosexual topics. Only once or twice do we get to see any of their penises and we never hear anything about times when they may have been aroused by the thought or sight of other men. I’d love to see a 56-minute documentary about a group of men of all ages, all sizes, all orientations, different races, stark naked, the camera showing us their entire bodies, front and back, showing us them sitting together, lying next to one another, taking a shower and towelling off together, asked to look at each other”s cocks, touch each other, smell each other, do whatever they suddenly want to do with each other, everything right there in full view, and have them talk about how their sex lives have been constructed by others and by themselves, and how they might imagine constructing them differently if they were to free themselves from every inhibition and constraint. The show might be called: “Imagined dicks: Full disclosure.”

  2. Interesting, but that guy “Chad” what a moron. Saying a cock is grotesque! When it’s the most beautiful thing in the world. He is suppressing his urges for dick.

  3. As has been mentioned before about this documentary, it felt strange that we never got to see each of the penises in their natural state – erect. Why make a dickumentary, undress all the men and then not go all the way and go over all the penis’ aspects?
    What was the purpose of all this, if not to be bold and pushing the envelope? Not showing the men erect felt like a cop-out.
    I suspect there were intentions to do so, but those were met by huge resistence from moral watchdogs, producers, rating rules, etc.

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