3 thoughts on “Perfectly Possible

  1. I have spent many a year wrestling with the subject anyway I found this lady who explains all the cultural differences that have influenced writings & beliefs, some a lot more recent than we may think. It is a long video but if your bothered about being gay and Christian it might help, if the link doesn’t work then Google up Kathy Baldock

  2. Drifts toward homosexual sex occur at different stages of life, and in different times in varied cultures. There was a period at the French court when homosexual partnership were recognized as a way of securing loyal allies in a social scene full of treachery and deception. There was a period in Vienna when dating, courtship and eventual marriage were so full of difficulty and expense that young men had lots of sex–with each other. So much that the municipal fathers had to issue discouraging edicts. Homo-tourism became a feature of the time, as gays from elsewhere in closeted Europe travelled there to pursue “the arts”.
    Of course the Greeks thought that a relationship based on pederasty was an excellent format for bringing youth into manhood.

    When migration to cities during the Industrial Revolution threatened family stability, the church and others doubled down on marriage fidelity (which nobody cared too much about back in the village), and homosexuality was invented and added to the list of major sins. Now the family does ok without a male breadwinner. Men are being released from the pressures of heterosexual monogamy, and as their careers are secure and children grow up, they feel free to “experiment” with their sexual desires, and those desires gravitate toward the immense pleasure of sex with other men.

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