7 thoughts on “Othul Xhosa

  1. Othul Xhosa, you beautiful man, beautiful spirit; your art reminds me of the art by the American artist Jean-Michel Basquiat (1960-1988).
    You are not “the only gay in the village”. You are the only man in your village who has the courage to be OPENLY gay. There is a difference. What I love about this website, http://www.cumm.co.uk is that is demonstrates, in a gentle way, that there is no “gay” or “straight”. Most men have sex with other men at some point in their lives. It is only homophobia learnt ever since the Spanish Inquisition which taught all men how to exist in a world ruled by guilt, shame and fear.
    Keep shining your light! The world is a richer place with you in it.

  2. Othul: I first started out my journey into male to male sexually with two dark handsome men, One of Indian decent who seduced me with his charm and physical attractiveness and the other with his raw youthful masculinity and his BBC. I’m addicted/hooked on these types of men even though I’m married. I would love to see all of your naked/nude masculine pictures because just thinking about what a sexy stud you are makes me wet my panties!!!

  3. POETRY CORNER (by Martin H.)

    I´ve got my ticket;
    “What´s your number?”
    “Mine is G29”
    “I´m before you then.”
    Other men come
    (Homelessness: It´s nearly always a male issue)
    Ask the same question
    After a while
    I don´t even bother to answer;
    Show them my ticket number.

    We shuffle.

    Forewards or backwards
    Depending on out ticket position.

    We wait.

    Old friends shake hands,
    Make polite conversation.
    Like zombies,
    Most of us
    Stare blankly ahead.


    The queue begins to move!

    One hundred or more
    Hungry mouths
    (Hungry souls)
    Waiting patiently,
    For a little nourishment
    To keep
    Body and soul
    From falling


  4. POETRY CORNER (by Martin H.)

    Three AM.
    I can hear the rapid rat-tat-tat-tat!
    Talking in Spanish
    Sarcasm,jokes, teasing, bullying,
    Threats of violence
    And then the dreaded,
    “Thump, thump, thump”
    When I hear my neighbour – a handsome, youngish, asylem seeker immigrant from Pakistan
    (Living in the bottle)
    Making muffled sounds of submission,
    I sit up to investigate:
    Four Spanish policemen, Guardia Civil; Franco´s henchmen.
    Standing next to me like a pack of wolves
    Cornering their prey.
    My neighbour
    (Also homeless)
    Lying in the foetal position, facing the wall, breathing heavily.
    This police brutality
    Has rendered him

    Ali´s silence is most unusual.
    He comes into our cardboard-city usually
    Effing and blinding, angry at something or someone
    Usually drunk.
    Now this

    Deafening silence.

    All I do is stare at this crime scene.
    One policeman sees me looking,
    Reminds me – with one practiced jesture using the middle finger –
    To wear the mascarilla properly; over and ABOVE the nostrils.
    I do as I am told, carry on staring.

    Like the big bad cat
    That has had its fun,
    The four policeman stride off into the night
    Looking for the next mouse to play with
    Like the untouchables they are –
    Oblivious to the harm caused,

    Out on the prowl …

  5. I appreciated the pictures displayed above.

    I agree for the most part with the commentary, but find the word tribe distasteful, however. It has colonialist ring to it. People/ethnic groups. Europeans are never described as tribes, even when their countries/communities are small.

  6. Othul you are a very interesting man, the way you think.
    The images of black men that are available often make me wonder if I am fetishising over black men for your difference. Black penises are always very beautiful, discounting size and I find black skin to be much more responsive to light than white skin. It looks lustrous rather than dull.
    I definitely want to see more of your personal expression rather than you being capture by someone else.

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