I always find the focus on white men interesting. Apparently other straight guys jerking each other off is not newsworthy? My theory is, it’s about deconstructing a political myth: Rural white guys lean to the right. Rich people also lean to the right, actually farther than l, but in America, our pundits deny that rich people vote for the party of rich people. – Jon

3 thoughts on ““Not Gay” 

  1. Those pundits are correct, and incorrect at the same time.. There are many people of the left, who vote for leftist- and even want socialism… They are rich, and usually celebs. The funny thing about it though, is voting for government, you’re actually hurting yourself, and aiding the elites. Government is expensive, the more of it you have, the more taxes you are going to pay, the more taxes you have to pay, means less money for you, things get harder, and you eventually become stuck economically- a slave.

    In the United States, and in New York especially- we have MASSIVE government. The police are in the faces of the people more, as more laws come with more government, and police are giving out tickets for everything! The state needs the money to continue to support the massive government.. All of this doesn’t hurt rich people.. Rich people can afford to pay the many silly fines, rich people can afford the rising cost of living.. Rich people who get really tired of the high taxes, can pick up and leave.. No it doesn’t bother them, it greatly hinders however the little guy, the guy trying to make it, and its getting harder.. So this is why I find those who support politicians who favor massive government, to be idiots.. You’re hurting yourself, and aiding elites.

    Those on the right, the ones who actually do believe in limited government, and personal responsibility, ect.. They are more about creating prosperity, by allowing the market (people) to control it, and largely keep what they earn.. They believe government has its role, it isn’t evil.. But when it becomes too big, it like a fire can and will become dangerous, and destructive.

    It is a mixed bag on who supports either side.. There are rich who support the left, and rich who support the right.. Those on the left tend to do it because they either feel guilty about their own wealth (which is foolish, unless they did evil things to attain it), and so instead of willingly pay more taxes themselves if they believe in that.. They believe we all should, which again only makes things difficult for the little guy, not the rich guy.

    The rich who tend to support the right, tend to believe in the results, facts, facts, facts, and common sense, is what they care about it.. They see the ideas of limited government, which brings about lower taxes, and more employment for people- equals prosperity.. They tend to have a much greater understanding of the economy, than some silly twit celeb, or phony politician, both of which run on feelings, and not facts.

    1. Another way to look at it is that taxes pay for stuff that can everyone. If the poor get good health care, they don’t miss work, and when the rich get highways, they can move stuff around and make money. When the DA in New York prosecutes business fraud, which they do excellently and continuously, New York is seen as a safe place to do business–money flows in to fuel the business economy.

      When the air is clean, everybody wins. When rich people think they can buy immunity from disease, foul air and the criminal system, or think they don’t need roads or air traffic controllers or a good labor force, all that expense looks like it’s only *hurting* them; they have less to spend on yachts and can’t buy their way out of trouble with hospitals, judges, politicians and gated enclaves. Rich people always oppose taxes because they are under the delusion that they don’t need the things government provides and that poor people don’t deserve to have any of the fruits of success. They don’t understand that a rising tide raises all boats; they look around and all they see are yachts.

      When poor people get too desperate and feel powerless they can cause big trouble, to themselves and others. They have this crazy idea that they should have a piece of the pie, and if they did, they could make life better. Working moms with child care can work better, and the kids are fed, play games with others, and have healthier physical and mental development. They do well in school, and can get a job making some rich guy richer. It’s win/win. American prosperity has been based on on a strong, well educated and well paid labor force. That’s not gonna happen when the rich folks are trying to squeeze the little guy for all he’s worth or if we create a huge underclass to drag society down. When government moderates the economy, curbing the excesses of the rich and providing for the poor with a leg up, the whole country does well; that’s a fact that the smart rich understand, but rich folks in their bubble can’t see.

      But to get back on topic, white guys have a quandary: they don’t want to lose their privilege by appearing too homosexual–but they have desires and affections that don’t match up with their “lifestyle”. They want to suck cock. So they (I should say “we”) watch beautiful hetero porn with hands on each others’ cocks. As Ward said, it is “not….the opposite or absence of homosexuality, but….its own unique mode of engaging in homosexual sex, a mode characterized by pretense, dis-identification and racial and heterosexual privilege.” What is lost is intimacy and a deeper bonding that comes with being “out”.

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