When a guy gets a charge from looking at other guy’s butts, I’d say it’s the first stage of him being drawn into his NATURAL bisexuality. Some guys are better at keeping this door shut. Men deprived of pussy for a long time (military, prisoners) often give in to these urges out of necessity only – cuz there is STILL so much internal shame connected with our NATURAL bend toward bisexuality. Terms like “man crush,” “bromance,” etc. at least hint at this activity becoming normalized in our culture – finally. Life is too short to limit your love for a best friend to a handshake – if you’ve had a buddy for years, try hugging more often. And open your big mouth by addressing the issue with him. See what happens. I’m an old guy who’s recently been amazed to discover my lifelong married friend has had sexual feelings for me for decades – he finally confessed these longings. Neither of us (I have always been gay) ever brought this subject up before to each other. So, especially if you’re a young man, keep opening the door to bisexuality IF the impulse is there to draw you to look at a guy’s butt. It might be liberating to continue. – Fowler
Natural Sexuality
More KnoBledge
I agree, guy butts are hot to see. In a pair of jeans, shorts, underwear, or nude. I’m always checking out butts.
The lead photo in this posting is amazing. For one, the role that colour (as opposed to just black and white) plays in bringing out the contrasts in texture, of wet shirt, skin, and hair, of straight linen-line and curly-haired curve is very striking. Overall, the composition of the photograph is a masterpiece. The point of greatest erotic impact, for me, is where the wet shirt has been pulled just half way down the left buttock, with a fold just beyond that point that seduces the eye to peer into the hidden recesses of this man’s gloriously hairy crack.
I consider a large muscular butt to be aspirational. I do what I can to fill mine out when I get the chance.
I’ll take that just how it is Alerik…😈👅🍆💦
Alpha and Omega. Penis and Butt. You can’t want one without wanting the other. Beautiful pics! Thank you Mr. Cox!
what a great picture of an hairy male arse
that just invites .. please come in !
Without glutes we wouldn’t walk upright.
The glutes are powerful.
Respect the glutes.