To benefit more from mirror wanking make sure you focus on the parts of your HaPenis you enjoy the most. Be verbal with your self. Tell yourself how beautiful that particular part of your body is. Take your time, take huge deep breaths as you move from body part to body. Anytime you come close to ejaculation, take your hands away from your cock and bring it really close to the mirror. Blink both your eyes really quickly as you take a series of short shallow breaths. Gradually slow down your breathing and resume your body celebration. When you are eventually ready to ejaculate, hold your breath and tighten every part of your body. As you do this tighten and relax your love muscle and ejaculate directly onto the mirror. As you resume your breath use long luscious licks to remove your sacred semen.

9 thoughts on “Mirror Wanking

  1. Couldn’t agree more. Its such a pleasure to use a mirror while wanking ive been doing it since my teens. I love to watch myself and imagine a group of naked men watching me as I stroke my cock. I’m verbal too, “wouldn’t you love to fondle these balls or run your tongue up and down my shaft. Imagine your mouth full of my cum.” And of course finishing off by tasting my cum from the glass

  2. Similar age here Brian,so good to hear your comfortable and happy with your body,the thought of you enjoying yourself in such a natural way is such a turn on…Keep cumming. xx

  3. I love standing in front of the mirror and watch me strip, get hard and stroke. Great feelings to see the different angles, almost like I am witnessing someone else self pleasuring.

  4. It’s been my favourite way to masturbate since I was 19 and at the tender age of 60 I love it all the more. I know I’m no Adonis but I am comfortable and happy in my body. I love being my own sex object.

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