One activity that can develop your sensuality is Mindful Masturbation. Masturbation can help us get to know our own bodies, find out what we like and also provide us with sexual pleasure. It is a healthy outlet for our sexual desire. There is no evidence that masturbation causes physical or psychological problems. As long as you follow basic hygiene precautions (clean hands, toys, and so on) and have adequate lubrication, you can masturbate as often as you want. It is easy for our mind to wander during sex or masturbation, for example to worries about performance, self-criticism, or simply what we are going to have for dinner later! If our mind is not fully present during sex it will impact on our enjoyment and arousal levels. Mindful masturbation involves focussing your mind in the present moment and noticing the sensations that you experience as you masturbate.

A Mindful Masturbation Exercise : Allow at least 30 uninterrupted minutes for this exercise. This will give you enough time to reach a climax and return to an un-aroused state. Turn off any distractions (e.g. telephone, television). Whilst you are doing this activity, try to focus your attention on the sensations in your genitals. Focus your attention on how each motion feels. You will probably notice that your mind does wander sometimes – this is completely normal. As soon as you notice that your mind has wandered just gently bring your attention back to noticing the physical sensations that you experience as you masturbate. Lie on your back on your bed or on a mat on the floor. Make sure the room is warm enough so your muscles can relax. If you like, you can play some relaxing background music.

Head of the penis : Use warm massage oil, lotion, or a lubricating jelly. Lightly swirl the lubrication around the head of your penis with only your fingertips. Focus your attention on the sensations on the tip of your penis and your fingertips. Continue to do this for a minute or two. Now use your thumb and middle two fingers to swirl the lubrication around the head of your penis. Use your fingers to apply pressure in a circular motion. Experiment with different levels of pressure, but keep the stimulation limited to just the head of your penis. Continue this for a minute or two. Focus your attention on the sensation in your genital area and fingertips.

Shaft of the penis : Shift your attention to the shaft of your penis, the area that extends from the head of the penis to your testicles (balls). Lightly move your fingers up and down and around the shaft of your penis with your fingertips only. Do not grab hold of your penis, just stroke with your fingertips gently. Do this for a minute or so. Focus your attention on the sensations that you experience.

Testicles (balls) : Put some lubrication on your testicles and lightly swirl this around your testicles with your fingertips only. Do this for a minute or so. Focus your attention on the sensations in your testicles and your fingertips. Wrap your hand around your testicles and apply pressure as you massage your testicles. Experiment with different levels of pressure and the speed of massage. Do this for a minute or so. Focus your attention on the sensations in your entire penis and in your hand.

The perineum : The perineum is the area between your testicles and anal opening. Apply some oil, lotion, or jelly to this area. Lightly swirl the lubrication around your perineum with your fingertips. Do this for a minute or two. Focus your attention on the sensations coming from your perineum and your fingertips. While stimulating this area you might find it enjoyable to insert the first finger (or more) into your anus.

To finish the exercise : Go back to any type of stimulation you find pleasurable and continue this activity. You might try combining different types of stimulation or using both hands to pleasure yourself. Focus your attention on the sensations in your entire penis, testicles, perineum and your hand. Continue doing this until you achieve orgasm or decide to stop. After you ejaculate or decide to stop, lie quietly and pay attention to the sensations in your genital area and the rest of your body. Allow your body to relax, your penis to go limp and your breathing to return to normal before getting up and washing off. – Source

4 thoughts on “Mindful Masturbation

  1. This is almost like a guided masturbation. I have tried and enjoyed these tips.

    I would love more guidance

  2. Officer !!! I’ve committed a crime !!!! You’ll need to come over and perform a body search.

    Bring your truncheon 😍

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