19 thoughts on “Male Orgasm

  1. Dear Paul,

    I can understand your frustration in relation to sexuality and everything that involves it or comes along with. Psychology is generally getting more open-minded in relation to this subject, knowing that a sexually satisfied person will have much less mental problems and will less probably go to extreme re/actions. But as it is still quite delicate (especially in certain social areas) and it is difficult to say, where the dividing line is between “socially acceptable” and “abusive/pervert” – and this surely differs individually -, many don’t dare to touch this topic in general to avoid bigger private (and maybe even legal!) conflicts. Even though we live in a quite individualistic society, stereotypes still exist and have influence on each of us – especially when it comes to sexuality!

    The best thing I can recommend you for now is to look back to your younger years – your childhood as well as your adolescence and young adult years – and ask yourself how you dealt with your sexuality in each of these phases of your life. Because it was surely not the same as nowadays. (Objective self-observation and self-criticism are very helpful to get conscious about how we have changed, and this can lead to developing more empathy and a wider understanding of others – even if their opinion is very different to our own one.) When did you become aware of your first sexual “elements”? How did you take it? Was it positive or negative? How did others (e.g. your parents) deal with sexuality – their own one as well as with the subject in general? How far would you have gone or did you go after being conscious about this? How much time did it take between thinking about this and becoming sexually active? When did you have your first sexual experience? How was it? Would it be the same today?

    If you need any further answers or want to talk about this, feel free to contact me.

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