5 thoughts on “Labels Are 4 Clothes

  1. I’m just a no body , not changing for anyone ! My age I’m happy being me , don’t care what I wear or look like , live in rags and work clothes!

  2. As a self-accepting homosexual, I cannot get myself too concerned about the labels which may be applied to me. I am comfortable being a “homo”, “gay”, “poof” or “queer”. Throughout life, I carry many labels associated to my nationality, ethnic background, height and weight, employment status and others. Labelling can help us to understand the world and its people, albeit within necessary limits of respect and politeness. I don’t really care how my sexual orientation is labelled, as I am fully comfortable being a man who enjoys sex with other men. Assigning me a label is really for other people’s benefit and does not change who I am.

  3. Hi I’m Frank like the project, how do I provide pictures of myself to the project manager? I’m 76 in fairly good shape, my dick is about 6in. soft & 8in. hard would like to share with others.

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