12 thoughts on “2 Edge or Not 2

  1. One weekend in college my roommate was away and I masturbated ALL weekend….having discovered, without knowing it, “edging”. Edging became my favorite sex, and a reason I could last extraordinarily long having sex with women–but for a long time I was afraid I was weird and that nobody else did it. I had no male friends to share it with. Now we are blessed with being able to masturbate together online and meet up safely in person, and I’ve discovered that what I though was a solitary sexual occupation is can lead to deep bonding with other men. Sharing “edging” is sharing our own masculinity with other men, and our masculinity deepens and flourishes as we share sex together.

  2. I wholeheartedly 100% agree with edging when wanking! I discovered “popperbate training” which is basically edging for as long as possible but it’s being trained to edge for as long as possible – while sniffing poppers and getting high and your following on screen instructions in a edited gay porn compilation telling you when to hit and sniff your poppers mixed with some visual on screen verbal and dirty talk so your being teased all the time trying not to wank too much while you’re horny as fuck watching hot gay porn but it’s training you not to dare blow your load the whole time seeing how far you can go so with each popperbate session it becomes more and more intense with bigger and better spunk loads and you can edge for that bit longer with more popperbate training sessions…… so if you like the high off poppers and you like edging then just search “gay popperbate training porn….I have the best masturbation sessions since I became a popperbator it blows my mind!

  3. Edging is by far the best, it’s intense personal sexual tension and am addicted to edging. There are times I don’t want to cum after hours of edging because of how good the build up feels but when I do finally cum, it’s so intense.
    Having your partner keep you on edge is so hot too, someone else in control of when you can cum practically make you beg them for release in the end.

    1. Yes, totally agree that edging is ‘the best’. It is rare indeed for me to just have a wank. I need to edge, I need and want to give time and pleasure to myself and of course to my penis, so yes to my brain’s pleasure centres being filled with dopamine – I’m well aware of that – I just need to look at myself in the mirror. I see that my face becomes transformed by the sheer delight of the intensity of the feelings. But I am no longer young and yet I can recall way back when I was in my early 20s that before going out to clubs or bars I would masturbate but only so far ……. I wouldn’t spunk. Of course I had been edging without knowing such a thing existed, so I’d be there in some club just riding on that edge until I took someone home and the fun could continue. It wasn’t until years later when edging became a subject for discussion that I realised that was what I had been doing off and on for all of that time but then I started to do it far more often and it wasn’t long before I was a fully fleged edger and an addicted wanker – but I’d already had those early years of practise.

    1. That is a sensational cock!! Damn!! Love the feeling edging gives to us men. Great pictures Chance.

  4. I think the anti edging argument is wrapped up with some residual subliminal guilt or shame about wanking. It’s another attempt to rein wanking in. Edging bliss is brilliantl. The joy of it never fades. If it does just add more grease!

  5. I am a wanker and I love to edge. Looking way, way back I can recall wanking to a certain point before going out to bars and clubs – this was long before the advent of sex bars – this was when you cruised, picked someone up and took them home. But I didn’t know that my pre-going out activity was called edging, it probably wasn’t back then. Years later, by which time I had become a wanker, I would edge for hours, enjoying that special feeling. More time passed and I learned that what I liked to do was edge and that many men do it. What more incentive did I need but to do my best to perfect my edging skills. A day or so ago I edged for the best part of two days revelling in that exciting state where your penis is so hard, you are bursting with sexual energy, riding on the crest of that edge – wanting to cum and yet not wanting to because you want to enjoy the ride. When I get to that point I am almost delerious with joy and excitement. Eventually I had to give in and shoot my spunk – fantastic! I love being a wanker and I love to edge!!

    1. I agree with Clive. Edging and the arousal it brings can be excruciatingly erotic, and fun!

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