i knew this guy years ago. Hardcore Yorkshireman with the fattest cock you could imagine. Every time he had a piss, he would finish by leaving his cock dangling and go to the wash basin, wash his cock, give it a really good shake, put it back in his pants, and wash his hands. Most men who seen his ritual could not contain themselves. he was made all sorts of unbelievable propositions. He had absolutely no intention of “going for a ride”, but he simple craved the attention. I think it made him happy.
Guys who stand at a urinal with a hardon mostly want to be noticed – so I’ve discovered. When younger I was intimidated by the sight when standing next to the guy, so I’d keep quiet, make no comment. Recently I’ve gotten braver, give him a brief compliment, like”Nice one, buddy” just to see his reaction. On 2 occasions in the last few years this ended up with one dude letting me blow him out in the parking lot and with one married guy coming home with me. Guys like compliments – as long as you’re not too obviously gay in your mannerisms and just say it matter-of factly. Most of the responses are just a grunt or a remark about him being “horny” and then just zipping up and moving on. So far, never anything hostile of insulting. – Fowler
What can I say…I have always been keen on toilet cruising. I cannot tell you the number of dicks I have sucked to completion…or been fucked against the urinal or in a cubicle! Daisy chains, group sex multiple cumm loads you name it I have had it. Glory holes saunas you name it.
One good story though was I had to be at an estate agents to get the keys to a flat we had just bought….under the railway station at London Bridge there were two toilets,,,one was just a couple of urinals the other was much larger on the Jamaica Road side. I was early so took a stroll to the loo was not in there long when a guy I assume was about 6o came in. He unzipped and out flopped the most enormously thick long dick. I am not kidding it was as long as my forearm. Well you can guess I was on my knees trying to get this monster in my mouth. He said no I want to fuck you…it was just impossible he had got rigid and even bigger. He tried his hardest, wet it, wet my ass..we tried buy it was just too big. Gave him the biggest kiss ever and thanked him for trying.
That my friends is a true story. I have many more and to be honest most of these exploits took place in South London. Yes the 80s and 90s were just great for sex.
Tell us about your urinal experiences