The varieties of a man’s penis, just increases the man’s desire to always “check” each other out in public restrooms, for not one is identical (unless identical twins or triplets)! Instead of trying not to be obvious when “sneaking a peek,” every man should take pride and freely show it to those present! Admittedly, though, it would slow down the time spent in emptying one’s bladder, and lengthening one’s journey! But would have perked up enough to keep the man awake behind the steering wheel for a safe journey! So, it’s not a bad thing to get “perked up” in the “John”!! HaPenis Motoring Gents. _ Thom
More KnoBledge
I like to drive naked and i have no shame to be Erect in Public.
Its always hot to show what a plump Erection i have
Love to show you the appreciation you and your cock deserve.
It’s so true , I completely agree , I do a lot of driving at night and if ever im tired and falling out , I get naked or at least take off my pantsor shots and masterbate like crazy , it always wakes me right up . Sometimes I jyst wsnk off the rest of the way to where ever im going !
Tell me where you are driving and I will release that tired energy and replace it with total satisfaction.