I only found your site a few months ago. Though I have always been comfortable with myself, I do know how some other men are not as fortunate. I grew up, literally, in a church and was intent upon becoming a priest for most of my teenage years. I truly do know how internal conflicts can play mind games on people. When I found your site I must be honest in that it was an accident because I was being a perv online. I found an image or two that had come from here so I looked you up. I was pleasantly surprised to say the least. Yours is one of the few online sites that I have ever seen which have some sort of substance rather than just gratuitous images. There seems to be so many opportunities for men that have not been as fortunate to be more comfortable that I believe most men can some sense of kinship and brotherhood just by browsing around. I was heartbroken when your tech issue occurred. I was hoping that you would be tough and carry on. I am so glad to see that you have, brother. Cheers to you. – Jeremiah Frederick

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