4 thoughts on “Don’t Hesitate

  1. As the writer I too have become a dedicated cock-sucker, but after I turned 50! Had loads of success during the first years in Gaydar, which had rolling pages of guys for whichever area you selected. Then it became chargeable!!
    After a long term relationship I did not want or enjoy am free to return to my pleasures but no over 65 I seem to only anttract older guys or scammers, who are not on my bucket list. Celebate life now!!
    I know, accept all but just can’t handle guys who are overweight, saggy and in some cases unhygienic.
    That’s my problem and not expecting sympathy!

  2. Thank you Jack…it took me ten years of a straight marriage to find the courage to say “I can’t do this anymore” and get divorced and come out. I HAVE NEVER REGRETTED IT.

    1. ich bin verführt worden in einer Sauna und da war es um mich geschehen, seit 20 Jahren leben und lieben wir zusammen

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