6 thoughts on “As May Blossoms

  1. May the month of Spring, warmth and growth. Beautiful sexy nude men so inviting bringing so much pleasure

  2. And since yesterday was May 1, International Labour Day, this poem by Langston Hughes is a reminder for us to think about men’s working-class lives as well as marvel at their bodies.

    Brass Spittoons
    Clean the spittoons, boy.
    Atlantic City,
    Palm Beach.
    Clean the spittoons.
    The steam in hotel kitchens,
    And the smoke in hotel lobbies,
    And the slime in hotel spittoons:
    Part of my life.
    Hey, boy!
    A nickel,
    A dime,
    A dollar,
    Two dollars a day.
    Hey, boy!
    A nickel,
    A dime,
    A dollar,
    Two dollars
    Buy shoes for the baby.
    House rent to pay.
    Gin on Saturday,
    Church on Sunday.
    My God!
    Babies and gin and church
    And women and Sunday
    All mixed with dimes and
    Dollars and clean spittoons
    And house rent to pay.
    Hey, boy!
    A bright bowl of brass is beautiful to the Lord.
    Bright polished brass like the cymbals
    Of King David’s dancers,
    Like the wine cups of Solomon.
    Hey, boy!
    A clean spittoon on the altar of the Lord.
    A clean bright spittoon all newly polished—
    At least I can offer that.
    Com’mere, boy!

    Source: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/47879/brass-spittoons

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