16 thoughts on “Alpha Homosexuality

  1. When I was an impressionable boy, the only homosexual stereotypes in popular circulation were the likes of Larry Grayson (“Shut that door!”) and John Inman (“I’m free!”). Homosexuality was primarily associated with the comic ridicule of “poofs”, “pansies” and “sissies”. As well as influencing me, that image probably discouraged many youths and young men from acknowledging or expressing their true sexual orientation.

    Fortunately, the situation has moved forward significantly in the years since, with brave and emotionally strong men leading the way. Over the last decade or so, an important contribution has been made through the autobiographies of rugby player Gareth Thomas, soccer player Robbie Rogers and soldier James Wharton. By their openness and bravery, such men have helped to broaden the public perception of how homosexual men present and behave. In 2019, Gareth Thomas even went public about his diagnosis and living with HIV: a true leader of men!

  2. Agree with Mr. AJ on this topic!

    In my experience “Alpha Gay Men” are very rare! I quantify…a Gay Man as defined as Open, OUT and Proud!

    Bisexual Men receive a totally different experience during the impressionable years of adolescence. This allows their macho confidence to build (bold & cocky) and leadership rolls to be offered to them (athletics, passive cheerleader master & BDSM ect.)

    Conversely most Gay men (not all) lack the support network, and positive sexual encouragement to build that sort of cocky bravado. Many struggle during adolescence to accept their own differences and as a result that quasi, macho, Alpha, hedonistic attitude rarely grows…Properly!

    So I am behind Mr. AJ….Omega (not Beta) is a much more accurate way to describe a “Self Actualized”, authentic, dominant and perhaps versatile Gay Man is a much more accurate term!

    Beta is a totally different category.

  3. Good Point AJ. It does to show there is no one type of gay man. We are all different – some of us Havel labels to say what we are and others you have to discover and be surprised bi what you find. Butt we are All Men. All man men. That’s what we are. We love men, we love being men and we love manliness. Bromosexuals all of us.

  4. My best fantasies realized in every ginger man. Don’t know why. I just find red-haired dudes to be so beautiful…. and usually well-hung. Thank you, God for this one and the photo album. Wish you were here…. or I was there… or .. mmmmm

  5. A hyper Alpha red-haired male, with his big, beautiful and hairy cock… There’s no shortage of desire to get on his knees 😈👅

  6. And, they don’t have to have cocks THAT BIG to be Alphas. I’m an Alpha and my cock is not quite, though almost, sort of, that impressively very LARGE.

    1. I’m sure that’s true sometimes. But I also think there’s also a strong case to make for “Omega Homosexuality.” Here a definition of the “Omega Male” I just took from the Internet: “He’s authentic, impulsive, non-judgmental, and welcoming. The omega is the polar opposite of an alpha. While the alpha wants to be a leader and cares a lot about what other people think, the omega wants to do his own thing and other people’s opinions don’t affect him at all.” Sounds like a reasonable approach to HaPenis to me. Cock size, foreskin condition, and gonad hang have nothing to do with HaPenis, at least for some of us.

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