Isn’t all of life really just a repeat of another man’s attitude. Being completely committed to something such as a life style, a work ethic, a moral compass, things that may not be important to anyone but yourself ! Being true to what beings happiness and contentment within reasonable perimeters is all that should be considered from the place you rest, work, eat, sleep, make love, and pray, conforming to what is considered the norm or how everyone else has been doing it only boxes you in to a monotonous existence and a unproductive mindset that basically stops the human condition from evolving to its most for filling and satisfying destination !!! – Chuck

25 thoughts on “A Moral Compass

  1. I believe that the ethic all societies should live by is maximal human flourishing. This goal can and should drive all decisions about how a society uses its resources and how humans interact with one another. With maximal human flourishing as the goal of a society homosexuality would be embraced by those who want to indulge and the only question society would ask is whether or not you and your partner are flourishing. This site does much to spread this simple ethical principle!

  2. Isn’t all of life really just a repeat of another man’s attitude . being completely committed to something ,such as a life style , a work ethic , a moral compass , things that may not be important to anyone but yourself ! Being true to what beings happiness and contentment within reasonable perimeters is all that should be considered from the place you rest , work , eat , sleep , make love, and pray, conforming to what is considered the norm or how everyone else has been doing it only boxes you in to a monotonous existence and a unproductive mindset that basically stops the human condition from evolving to its most for filling and satisfying destination !!!

  3. Love mature men.
    It’s great to see older fellas show their packets, (and to show they are still horny).

    So, I decided to post this one of me here.
    I’m 63, I can confirm this is a recent photo,( it’s said I look younger than my years). I’m uncut, but like to pose with foreskin slid back.

    Hope you like. If you do, I’m also featuredon this site under “My Irish Mickey” ☺

    1. Hi I’m andrew and you just made my day.
      You have a beautiful mind and body.
      I have been sitting on the fence about my wanting to be under the covers with a beautiful mature man like you..Looking at you I’m jumping in.
      I enjoy older men I just totally enjoy them and
      their bodies

    2. Hi, boy in his 20’s wants to edge with a season hung professional like yourself. Please give me that honor.

  4. I feel more natural, and comfortable at 60 years old naked is my ultimate look around the house and out in the yard , it’s so sad that every man can’t be in the mind set in this country , it’s the way God made us , and guys should be able to speak to one another about our bodies, and endowment ! It’s a completely normal thing not a gay or inappropriate conversation !

  5. Over the age of 50, I especially enjoy being able to give pleasure and satisfaction to my partners! I believe that I was created by God to be used by men for gratification without inhibitions or taboos.

    1. You have the most amazing balls I have seen in ages. I would love to engage with you.

    2. Thanks! You can use it however you like, just enjoy what you’re doing. You can use it several times a day together with your friends.

    3. You’re beautiful!! I would be happy if you would pull on your cock and use it hard and shoot it full of cum!

    4. I once had a friend who shared a flat with closet gay man. We had a night out and I missed the train (on purpose) my friend invited me to sleep on the couch.

      The next day he had to work the morning shift so he left me sleeping. When I woke up I realised I was alone with my dream boy. I went to his room and snuck under the covers and woke him up with his cock in my mouth.

      We stayed at it all morning

    5. Hi, boy in his 20’s wants to edge with a season hung professional like yourself. Please give me that honor.

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