6 thoughts on “What Others Think

  1. Love that video – it makes me happy to see two men so clearly enjoying being fully men together. The masculinity of homosexuality is so well represented in their actions and responses!

  2. Brian E Mendyka thanks for sharing your experience and your wisdom.
    It seems to me that we live a negotiated life, and what we are negotiating is often what our imaginations, our desires, our hopes, fears, prejudices and assumptions are telling are the constraints.
    All generated within but massively dependent on what others teach us, directly or by observation.
    As you say, it is necessary to be yourself … without remorse, without regret.
    Only then can we live a life that serves us haPenis.
    Incidentally I love the video. I often burst out laughing after cumming. It feels like there’s a neurological trigger there.
    Amar xx

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