Lingam Massage not only relaxes you, it may help ease your anxiety and depression. When groups of men with depression get lingam massage therapy, their stress hormone levels change and their anxiety and depression ease. Lingam Massage could be a safe and positive addition to your mental health strategy program. But lingam massage alone isn’t a proven treatment for depression.

1 thought on “Lingam Massage 4 Depression

  1. Lingam massage is a sure-fire cure for anxiety. Apparently an old gypsy advised Mussolini to hold his balls to keep calm under stress. There are old newsreels of him speaking to vast political rallies while obviously playing pocket billiards.

    I find as soon as I first hold another bloke’s cock or he holds mine there is an immediate wave of calm and peace. it’s that first touch which which crosses the line of intimate personal space – with a reciprocal shared understanding – which is so relaxing. Pretense and social masks are lowered. What happens next depends. But it is that sacred moment entering within each others’ boundary by tacit invitation that signals the Entente Cordiale.

    But even if it’s not a sex act, there is still just something so safe feeling and deeply therapeutic in having your balls held and cupped. And doing likewise to him. A trust, a completeness, a satisfaction, an oath fulfilled.

    Like the Patriarchal oath placing one’s hand under Abraham’s thigh; this sacred object; his milah. Holding his jewels in your hand, extending your royal scepter in peace and wisdom. Vivat Rex.

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