I am not an ugly man. I am 59 and still alive. I feel like maybe the area I live in is very homophonic. I get treated like I am scum of the earth. I am with my ex wife but want to have a mutual friend of my own. How do I seek a man with same tendency’s. I want to share with him what I have inside of me. There is so much love I have to share, but forgetting how to put myself out there to be noticed by the right man. HELP! – Ron
Even guys can be very superficial and write you off simply because you don’t have the perfect body, the biggest cock, or are above a certain age. I assume you are already aware of all the hookup apps/sites that are out there. Create a profile on one that you like, and make sure you have a nice face pic. Then you wait. You can send a ”like” or a ”woof” of whatever the app calls it, but don’t appear too desperate or needy. If a guy responds, don’t send a dickpic with your first message. Just say hi, and that you like his profile, and go from there. Let him guide the conversation. Always wait for a response before sending your next message. Try to avoid walls of text and sharing of intense feelings from the very get-go. And by all means, if he sends walls of text at you, that might also be a red flag. You don’t treat someone you’ve just met as an emotional toilet. That comes much later with built up trust, appreciation, and friendship, yet you’d be surprised how many guys fall into that trap. You are also in a precarious situation where you are still with your ex wife, and that alone puts a LOT of guys off. I would leave that bit out of any conversation, until you know it’s an ok topic. But above all, remember that meeting guys online is not ideal if you are looking for love and a true connection. Regardless, if there is a man out there for you, you will find each other. Good luck buddy. – Ben

hi guys
thanks for this topic it solved and gave an answer to a problem i just had !
it is always extremely useful to read hapenis and listent different experiences of life it made me evolve a lot since i met this site
Stop complaining, pack up your goods and move to a gay/gay friendly city in a better part of your native country – or move to a better country. You will find lots of older gay men around, HIV may have decimated our generation but we are far from all dead. There are usually societies catering for all tastes and ages, go along to lots of them until you find your Gay Family. If you find you are still not ‘making it’ find a good, gay, non-religious Counsellor to help you overcome the thoughts and feelings that are holding you back. Good Luck
Hey Ron, your post caught my attention, very homophonic I have experienced too and it makes me think as well as become stronger in the feeling that therte is a legacy we can adhere too. I do not have sexy photoś like yourelf. I do Have a league of my own or too. And recently I have goooten into virtual reality and augmented reality in sexuality, I follow the hapenis project as a source but have not read much about it. Virtual reality can consist of masturbating, since we are all singular in park sometimes, and create a mood for masturbasting with folder and draper techniques. But looking at your photoś, I we so would…. like to see that penis from vcoseby…
Keep in touch if you will, love from Leon
\\\ online Leoniscareful
As long as you believe in yourself you should have no problem meeting someone who will share your friendship and love.
It may be hard to believe but some of the people you say treat you like dirt are more thank likely gay as well and hiding their sexuality through attacking you.
You are using the internet so you can access gay sites you will more than likely get a reply from someone wanting to start being friends with you leading onto more enjoyable things.
Have you been to gay bars, saunas? Check the web for gay cruising sites near where you live! Do you have a car an easy way to get out.
Ron, you don’t say where you are from, but let me assure you there are plenty of gay and straight men around your age who would love to explore your body and give and get pleasure from you stiff phallus and loving nature. What is the major city closest to you? You may likely find a club, bar, or bath house there. The key will always be to be interested in the persons you meet as whole people who are open to friendship and are fairly well balanced emotionally. I am 71 now and found my mate at 61. Nothing is perfect but anyone can be the one person who loves you unconditionally!
Ron, you don’t say where you are from, but let me assure you there are plenty of gay and straight men around your age who would love to explore your body and give and get pleasure from you stiff phallus and loving nature. What is the major city closest to you? You may likely find a club, bar, or bath house there. The key will always be to be interested in the persons you meet as whole people who are open to friendship and are fairly well balanced emotionally.
Hi Ron,
57 here, I think we all have this issue to different degrees. My son who lived with me is now 28, I have been apart from his mother and then my subsequent male partner for now 15yrs and pretty well single that whole time and mostly a solo wanker. I too have a lot of love and yearn for a partner again. However, I am finding that few, very good friends, with man 2 man sexual interests is very valuable at present while I figure out how to put myself where I will be noticed like you also want.
At the opposite end of the problem has been Mitch in Oz’s recent cry for help – what I noticed right here was an enormous outpouring of love from all of us men. Stunning. So big hugs Ron, from nz.
I guess you can start by telling us what part of the country that you are in that will help us to understand what situations you are going through and who can help you, physically, mentally and socially. Thanks. Dean I am almost 65. Dean
I’m 58 and married, soon to be divorced. I met another married man on SilverDaddies. We will have been together 3 years next month and love each other very much. It isn’t easy but finding love and sharing great sex is wonderful.
I am on several sex sites and thanks to them, I meet straight, bisexual and gay men every day, who can fulfill their desires in me. My theory is that I help them live out their desires that they cannot get at home. As a result, many people find and use it, even regularly. But I’m not looking for a partner, just sex. You can find and satisfy a lot of men with good sex, because most men don’t get what they want at home. Of course, you have to be open to that. It suits me and my partners.
Amazing big balls 😍