“If I can’t stop thinking, maybe I can just let my thoughts go by without getting all caught up in them. Feel the breeze on your face or your neck? See how it’s going by? You’re not all hung up with it. You don’t have to see where each breeze goes. You don’t have to look quickly to see if it hit those trees over there. It’s breezes, and they’re just going by. Make your thoughts like those breezes, those little breezes…just going by.” – Ram Dass / Header Image By Adrian

I love this wisdom about little breezes from Ram Dass. I happened upon the same technique myself, allowing my consciousness to be as a flowing stream, disappearing out of knowing, and each thought, noise or distraction is as a blossom, falling into the water, making a few gentle ripples, and smoothly and silently floating away. It really works for me. Thank you, Ram Dass, and thank you, Seb, thank you also for the video of that awesome huge flopping cock. I would love to see it erect. Whoever it belongs to, what a lucky man! – Amar Rama

11 thoughts on “Little Breezes

  1. Nice meditation thanks Mr Dass – however I feel one needs to recognise which breeze to chase and that yellow breezy Ram is certainly one of them.

  2. I love this wisdom about little breezes from Ram Dass.
    I happened upon the same technique myself, allowing my consciousness to be as a flowing stream, disappearing out of knowing, and each thought, noise or distraction is as a blossom, falling into the water, making a few gentle ripples, and smoothly and silently floating away.
    It really works for me.
    Thank you, Ram Dass, and thank you, Seb, thank you also for the video of that awesome huge flopping cock. I would love to see it erect. Whoever it belongs to, what a lucky man!

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