Celebrating Men’s Mental Heath Day 19th November 2024. If you are perpetually depressed this will lighten your mood. It’s quite wonderful and I’ve watched it several times. Working through your depression requires that YOU alone can solve the problem – identify it, face it, and make it your professed aim to be real and help yourself as much as you can. Eat your semen, if you have a partner or a Gay male friend whom you trust, confide in him and consume his semen if and when you are intimate. Yes, sometimes it will require the proper medications and be upfront with your own physician – not his/her nurse – that you are gay and perhaps that is the root cause of your perpetual darkness. Time is oppressive and guard your physical health as well. I’ve been through it all and the part that helped me the most were weekly trips to an understanding psychologist! Please give it a try if you can afford it, or if your insurance might cover it. It will not go away overnight, it requires patience and the willingness to change yourself. You are loved. Richard

18 thoughts on “BLOWING BUBBLES

  1. I have always been a lurker here—never posted until today. I needed to after seeing the video about depression. Today is November 19, 2024 in California where I live. Men’s Mental Health Day, and today I am feeling my depression more than ever. My being gay was never a problem for me or my family. But my depression lately is thinking of the upcoming holidays, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Eve during which time I will not spend with my partner of 17 years who died in December 2023. He (we) battled jaw cancer for a year and a half; the cancer won. His loss brings back memories of my other partner who died in 2005 after our 14 years together. Both deaths were AIDS-related. I am happy to be alive after living with HIV since 1983, but it’s been a struggle. I take losses very hard; my psychologists tell me to stop being so damned empathetic. But, it’s in my DNA. I love this site and the male-bonding I am getting, even though it’s not a hug and oxytocin releasing. Thank you for all of the effort put into this wonderful site. Joe C

    1. so sorry about losing your partner , the holidays are always the worst , i just finished chemo/radiation so i know what he went through not fun ,i wish you all the best and i have a ear if you ever need to let it out im a good listener and i will be alone on the holidays so i have lots of free time, i wrote on here about depression under joey , im Joey C , we have a great name , all the best! joey

  2. Hi and thanks for sharing then dance, despite other posts I have made I have struggled with depression and anxiety most of my life along with Complex PTSD due to a childhood trauma, I have always been gay and my late wife knew that and accepted it, but we were soulmates and needed each other in many ways. One of which for me was her strength of soul that kept me going and often bought me back up from the depths of dispare, even after attempts to end my life she was the strength that saw me through. I lost her to illness 5 years ago after I had nursed her for the last 2, her loss was very very difficult to deal with and even now I cannot come to terms of her not being by my side. She knew I had needs and desires and never asked or judged me and I never let that part of my life interfere with ours. During my time looking after her my own physical health began to suffer as it often does with people with mental health illnesses. I am riddled with osteoarthritis and have a heart murmur just to mention 2 things, I take 16 pills at night and 7 in the morning and hate every moment of it. I had an infection in my knee 4 years ago which left me hospitalised for 5 weeks and bedbound for a further 6 at home, I used to be very active and a gym goer. I now cannot walk unaided and am in constant pain. Due to all the meds I have little libido and rarely get an errection. I used to love my cock it was above average and hard and I was proud of it, I love men and miss the smell and touch of another man and most of all I miss the intimacy of kissing another man full on, I love to kiss long and hard to feel his tongue in my mouth and mine in his, feeling his hot naked body pressed hard agsainst mine and the roughness of his touch, I miss the feel of a man deep inside me making love or even just lusting my body. All the meds and the lack of mobility means I have lost the good body I once had and feel that is just another loss to add to the list. I have no one else in my life now and it is empty and lonely and wasted and I often wonder why I am still here. Is there a reason? I love this site thank you for keeping it going, I feel connected with other men just to be here reading others stories or points of view but the pictures do make me sad and unwanted even though I love them, I rarely go out due to my mobility and if I could just make that better perhaps other things will change but I just don’t know how to do that now, thank you for being here and keeping this site going.

  3. The most difficult thing for me was to accept my introverted nature.
    I’m an introvert in a world designed for extroverts, and I was always told that I just had to adjust my personality to fit in.
    Everything was going to be ok.
    Everything was never ok.
    I got to retirement age recently and the damage caused by a life lived this way resulted in extreme fatigue.
    I was always striving to be an extrovert, I never loved myself.
    My true nature is now the most important thing in my life.

  4. Thank you for showing the anti-depression dance. I was in floods of tears by the time it was over, but I felt much better when I watched it the second time. It made me realise how much I need the brotherhood of men. I have lost so many brothers to AIDS over the last30 years that I am now almost friendless. I still have my lovely husband…29 years together and still going…but I need more men around me.
    I had a Prostate operation which has left me with lots of horrible side effects; retrograde ejaculation and severe ED amongst them. The result is that I feel ‘hollowed out’ and unable to start new male friendships, I can’t get the energy to go out to bars, I can’t flirt, I am afraid to go to saunas in case nothing works.
    I had a street accident 8 months ago, it left me with a damaged knee, two broken ribs and three crushed spinal vertebrae, four months in bed living on bottled water and Morphine followed. I am still in pain, but came out of the partial healing process determined to rebuild myself…and benefit from the 20kg of weight I lost. I now do Pilates and Tai-chi…but I feel that I am just polishing the empty shell of the man I once was. I need brothers, pals-with-benefits, hugs, bodily contact, laughs and the smell of warm men………………

  5. I still have depression and anxiety plus last year I was diagnosed with ADHD with combined presentation. In school from second grade till high school I was bullied a lot and bashed a few times but the harassment seemed never ending. I even at age 13 to 16 tried to stay awake all night just so my day would last longer but I would fall asleep anyway and immediately morning would come and I’d have to get ready for school. I was so scared. Harassment would happen on the bus too. Nevertheless, I survived but not without anxiety and stomach aches all through school and into adulthood.

    I had a deep depression episode at age 18. I literally could not get out of bed for three days before it lifted. I felt I could die. By age twenty-three years I’d developed UC and was treated with foul meds among them prednisone. This went on for ten years going into remission and then exacerbation. By age 33 the meds no longer worked as I was going fast.

    Mom quit our old doctors and took me to the city where I had my first gastroenterologist and surgeon. Immediately I was signed in and scheduled for surgery two days later. So much was done but I won’t tell here its too gross. I had so many set backs due to having surgery so late into the illness that I weighed 110 pounds. A Subclavian Artery tube was inserted feeding me 3,500 calories a day! I stayed from Feb 24th to April 11th. I still have issues with adhesions on in my abdominal upper left quadrant. I have to watch what foods I eat.

    I never had a moments freedom from depression and anxiety until I was on SSRIs. I’m no longer on SSRIs but I’m on other meds to help. I have a great therapist who’s helped me through so much of my trauma. I didn’t know I had PTSD along with what I mentioned above. Now, I’m married to a very patient guy who helps me and loves me and I him.

    I still have moments where the past school days seem before me as if those episodes were now. I work with my mind to stop these incidences in their tracks. I still have some depression and my anxiety has come back. But I’m A fighter and not naive anymore so I take nothing from no one. All I hope for is peace, acceptance, love, and to love others with a pure love of friendship. Thanks for hearing just a wee bit of my story, Lee.

    1. Thanks for letting me tell just a wee bit of my story. Telling really helps a lot for I’m not ashamed of it. Perhaps someone might identify. Anyway, bless you Hapenis guys!

  6. I like the concept of the depression dance much more than the execution (EDM, wooden line dancing). Anything for fellowship and support, though.

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