23 thoughts on “This Revolution Will Not Be Circumcised

  1. I really enjoy having a foreskin and appreciate it as an asset and an essential part of my cock and source of its own unique pleasure.
    In my adolescence it was tight and would not roll back, but I worked on it diligently and managed to get it painfully to come back. I was fortunate that it gave and stretched because it could have become a paraphimosis which is potentially serious.
    Had I gone to the doctor with my unaltered phimosis, I might have been circumcised. Thank god I was able to sort it out myself.
    Once that foreskin could be rolled back, what a happy wanker I became! (I hadn’t worked out wanking before that, just enjoyed playing with my cock).
    Sadly I then spent many years feeling that my foreskin was too long because it wouldn’t roll back spontaneously on erection.
    Now I appreciate the luxuriant length and the happy play that is mine to enjoy.
    I am opposed to routine circumcision but I have no prejudice against cut cocks.
    There is much to appreciate about a bare naked cockhead.

  2. Reinard, OMG, what a sexy photo and an incredibly beautiful uncut cock. I love your bush too!!!! Thank you for sharing!

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