10 thoughts on “The Queer Roots of Homophobia

  1. My neighbour is a “card carrying” member of the Homophobic alpha male, 30’s something InCel crowd. He dishes out homophobic slurs & jokes, with all his new friends ( he never seems to keep friends longer than 3 months) All while Self medicating on a 12oz Flask of Vodka Cans of Ale & sessions of Cannabis on a daily basis…. His Vile outlook on life would worry me…had i not have caught him many times “entertaining” some of my Grindr buddies! It was Delicious to have the “Proof in The Pudding” LOL
    Yes, i agree wholeheartedly that many Homophobic men are harbouring feelings that are scaring them. We as a Society should be more tolerant & respectful to each other. But hey i’m Preaching to the Choir here aren’t i.. Thank You Seb for the HaPenis Project, Your readers, All of Us, Appreciate this Forum for Open discussion & Love. -John ( just a Gay Mountie from Canada) Cheers Brothers 😀

    1. I believe incels are usually jealous of alpha males, a term itself born from bad science gone mainstream. Machismo men, who enjoy the ability to get women would more align with the alpha term. Incels, however, are a different kind of thing, a highly toxic thing. When they engage in homosexual activities, yet warped with homophobia, they become a volatile mess. I’ve had the misfortune of playing with one, and boy, when the guilt hits them after they get off with a guy. It can..well you don’t know if they are a threat to themselves or you.

  2. This has been a known truth for a long time among gay men. Simply because it takes one to know one. Many gay men, especially late-in-life:ers have exerted some level of homophobia earlier in their lives, me included. But on some level I always knew that the first person I was trying to convince was myself. I wanted to create a world around me that was hostile to homosexuality because that would keep ME on the straight & narrow. Now I see it everywhere in others – although it should be said that homophobia has decreased significantly. As for those still cling to homophobia, no amount of calling out, or even extending a hand in friendship and understanding will help these people. They can only help themselves.

  3. Every homophobe is in fact a closeted gay who has not accepted himself and who does not accept LOVE between people of the same sex.
    Unfortunately, this non-acceptance represses them and causes immense damage to their soul and heart!
    Loving another man and being free from fears, labels and especially criticism is liberating ✊🏼🏳️‍🌈

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