11 thoughts on “The Platonic Blow

  1. …well, W.H.A. certainly had a wonderfully expressive vocabulary! It worked wonders on this almost 80-year-old body. Too bad he is no longer around to read my compliments to him and his newly found “buddy!” Perhaps he has a raging erection if some portion of his sexually aroused desire remains in the “ether” as I write this feeble bit of nonsensical reflection on his interactions with what we might today call… “a great hunk!”
    I look forward to reading it again and experiencing what it caused me upon this, my first excursion into a small piece of lovely, thought-provoking literature written by a man who left his mark on so very much of our great English language. Remember, literature has power, and great expressive literature has the power to move… not only the mind but other portions of the male anatomy, as well.
    Thank you cumm.co.uk for publishing this sweet bit of life’s Gay adventures.

  2. I was an English Major as an undergraduate, and completed my Masters (all but Thesis) in English Lit as well, and read tons of Auden….but never this! Gobsmacked and very aroused by his poem on cock-sucking. Marvelous! Reminds me of the first night of lovemaking with my first real male lover at 20 years old.

  3. “I’ll love you, dear, I’ll love you
    Till China and Africa meet,
    And the river jumps over the mountain
    And the salmon sing in the street,

    I’ll love you till the ocean
    Is folded and hung up to dry
    And the seven stars go squawking
    Like geese about the sky.

    The years shall run like rabbits,
    For in my arms I hold
    The Flower of the Ages,
    And the first love of the world.”

  4. That is an awesome collection of beautiful words formed to produce an extremely sensual and erotic tale. My cock twitched as the story of lust, desire and fulfilment erupted into a crescendo as his hot spunk erupted into a willing mouth.

    Had no idea WH Auden wrote such verse! Thank you for sharing this erotica.

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