21 thoughts on “Strength & Sensitivity

  1. perfect photo for this comment…. and now having fallen down the rabbit hole of all the pages and pages of outstanding images of men and sensitive and profound descriptions of what it is to be a male. there is not one single photo that i would not be honored to have on the wall of my home. These are ALL exquisite.

  2. The male penis is very beautiful cut or uncut and we are justifiable proud of them. Only another man can truly understand the depth of our pride in our penises. Only another man can provide the maximum pleasure of the penis. How could a woman understand how a penis feels to its host. We are equally proud of our testicles and their beauty and the amazing pleasure they give us. A man will never ignore our testicles but know how to pleasure them giving us great pleasure. Male lovers are best because we understand what a great gift we carry between our legs and the ways to pleasure them.

  3. I think what you said most men would agree if they didn’t have the macho tagged unto them. I think what you said says it all in a way except I’m not in agreement with man man sex I’m however agreement with comfortable relaxed nudity and affection.

  4. I love bonding naked with other men. There is something beautiful with two nude men hugging each other, giving of themselves to the other. Surrending if you ilke

    1. Beautiful, very sensual photo, Chris, of your penis nestling against your partner’s. You capture what allowing your body to surrender to someone else’s is all about!

  5. This message was powerful and authentic.
    It is why, at a very young age, I knew I was gay.
    “Comrades”, as Whitman speaks of.
    Thank You
    Mark Alan

    1. I have to say the guy in the four photos has a lovely mushroom head to his dick and would love some time with him!

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