19 thoughts on “Strength & Sensitivity

  1. For me, this sexy yet whimsical collection of four photos — such a gorgeous penis attached to such a charmingly “what, me worry?” kind of guy — serves as a kind of comment on BoB’s stirring manifesto about the “brotherhood.” Not all of “our bodies are built to be commanding of respect. Broad and hairy, bulky and scary.” Not all of us are “troupe-leaders” and, to be honest, I’m not sure that men, as opposed to women, make the best leaders. Sadly, as the recent savage behaviour of Hamas “brothers” in Israel has shown, “close male bonding” is not, in itself, the key to saving humanity from destroying, first, the planet, and then itself. No “–hood,” of brothers or sisters, or blacks or whites, or of any other conceivable mixture of humans left to their own devices, is going to save the planet. We need a broader concept of community than one based solely on “brotherhood” or “masculinity,” or indeed on anything based solely on what serve only yhis or that human interest best. However the ideal kind of community is defined, what is unquestionably true is that men need to liberate themselves from restrictive heterosexual definitions of what being a “man” entails, as well as from stereotypes of want counts as truly “masculine” and what doesn’t. I know I’m a man, even though I don’t have a lot of body hair or muscles. I love, and love having sex with, other men, and those feelings have been continually reciprocated throughout my long life. That makes me happy. And since I’m happy, I’m a nicer person than I would be if I were sexually frustrated and insecure about my body image. And because I’m not frustrated, I’m more accepting of what makes other men and women different from myself. I don’t need “brothers” for this. I need to know myself, who I am and what I like, I need to be comfortable in my own skin, and I need to have relationships that are as fulfilling for others as they are for myself. What being a “man” is all about is as infinitely varied as are the gorgeous male bodies displayed on the pages of HaPenis.

    1. AJ, that is perfect thank you.
      I was thinking as I read that, if all men embraced ‘brotherhood’ without trying to define or categorise it, then my hope is as you say, that this would then have to permeate all aspects of life. It’s not about yourself, it’s not about the other, rather about both and together.
      Peace & HaPenis

  2. perfect photo for this comment…. and now having fallen down the rabbit hole of all the pages and pages of outstanding images of men and sensitive and profound descriptions of what it is to be a male. there is not one single photo that i would not be honored to have on the wall of my home. These are ALL exquisite.

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