5 thoughts on “Sri Lankan Massage

  1. I felt like jerking myself to read that article , I usually go to a bathhouse twice a week or when I have opportunity, I always meet a Latino guys, and get aroused, and my cock is at full mast , I can look at Thai , Indian or native Americans and want shoot a load all over them and me and still want more , I just turned 71 a couple months ago , and went home and got my rocks off .I couldn’t get my mind off this guy I met and we must came two or three times in succession . But only once never met again . I always think of him in my home we running naked around my house and getting my cock sucked and want more of him and have him sleep over and feed him breakfast and sex afterwards , then send him to work or meet another day during the week or weekend

  2. Wow, what a great sensation that must’ve been. My dick was about to explode whilst reading this. Can I please please please know what hotel this was in? I’m thinking about going on a tropical holiday to Sri Lanka.

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