I shall fight openly for that which no living Englishman dare defend, even in secret — sodomy! At school I was taught to admire Plato and Aristotle, who recommend sodomy to youths. I am not so rebellious as to oppose their dictum; and in truth there seems no better way to avoid the contamination of woman and the morose pleasures of solitary vice.

(Not that women themselves are unclean; it is the worship of them as ideals that rots the soul). Again we may say that all the great men of antiquity were sodomites: Socrates, Caesar, Alexander, Martial, Catullus, Virgil, Achilles; Napoleon, Frederick the Great, Goethe, Shakespeare, Bacon, an unbroken line of English monarchs; Mohammed, Benvenuto Cellini, Wilde, Symonds, Emerson, Pater, Fitz-Gerald, Leighton, Whitman, Michael Angelo, Leonardo, and a host of others — even unto this hour. But of this hour I will not speak. I am now collecting a great body of evidence similar to that which Herr Harden has gathered in Germany, and involving an even higher class of society. Not in the least to show the corruptions of that class; but to proclaim sodomy as an aristocratic virtue, which our middle class had better imitate if they wish to be smart. If I have not already published the correspondence in my possession between the late Duke of Clarence and “Boy Morgan” — as well as many other important papers — and a pretty penny they have cost me! — it is not for any dog-in-the manger reasons, but because it would coincide so dramatically with the moment when, like Socrates, I get into trouble for corrupting morality, and because I never like to leave a job half done. It is almost incredible how large a number of peers there are against whom I have not a shadow of evidence or even suspicion. Luckily the judges are less wary. While the bishops are such easy game as to be hardly worth powder and shot. There, I’ve done it now! – Aleister Crowley

13 thoughts on “Sodomy & Philosophy

  1. Its true. Men need men throughout our history. End of story.
    Case closed.
    Thank you to all our brothers here who share their experience and wisdom. HaPenis is required for men to live a full life. No shame required fellas.

  2. Hear hear Aleister! The facts are simple. There is nothing more beautiful than a pair of male buttocks. Between the cheeks there is a pink hole. Stick your tongue and nose and beard into it, smell and suck, nibble and wiggle, and you will want to go inside. And he will ask you to! Maybe first a finger. Then two. Who else wants to push in? My cock of course (need you ask?). Some spittle or lube. Push slowly at first. Then like taking a run and a leap and plunging into a deep pool you are inside him. It feels like all of you is inside. There is nothing like the sensation of being inside a man anywhere on earth or in heaven. Sodomy? What an absurd attempt to label and repress two men from experiencing the supreme pleasure that any two men can give to each other by means of a biblical reference to an idiotic tale by a repressive Roman emperor in the 6th century. He must have been a closet gay who hated his mother. They are always the most viscous homophobes. Sodomy? Earthquakes fire and destruction? Avenging angels? Spare me! Mmmmm it feels sooooooo good inside you! I love you! 😘💕

  3. Sodomy between men is both beautiful and beneficial to men. The great men in history embraced male love and so must we.

  4. I love this, thanks Mr Crowley Sir.
    I can assure you that solitary vice is not a morose pleasure any more but celebrated by all men of intelligence in a somewhat godly manner. Many of these men have also opened their.. minds to the pleasures of sodomy. I believe the word has got out.

  5. I got over the shame of having a man’s penis in my anus when I was in high school. I soon realized that to bottom is not emasculating. Some Native American tribesmen sodomized men before battle. .The semen was worshiped and held empowerment .Thus, the young warrior about to enter his first attack carried the semen of his mentor in his rectum. I also have experienced sodomizing two heterosexuals. One asked for it and the other said he had only been curious.after promising to stop if he changed his mind I attempted to enter him. He gritted his teeth as I began to penetrate his anus slowly. He just didn’t have it to allow me to fuck him.I pulled out. But I’ve never been an edger and I lost my load on his throbbing pucker asi pulled out. He said he’s not a woman. The other one said it was cool, but he never threw his legs over my shoulders.

    1. Well said Dave! All men, no matter their overall preference as to who they fuck should spend time with other males orally and anally. OK, it’s blasted to the heavens by those who use traditional biblical interpretation as one of the grossest of sins, and arguments continue today as to whether David and Jonathan became one in the Old Testament. In the ancient world sex between males was part of everyday life, especially among warriors. It’s only been since the arrival of the three Abrahamic faiths that male on male action has been looked at as dirty filth against God.

    2. Yep, that’s one of the things that us pilgrims ruined. So many wrongdoings.!
      Wouldn’t it be a wonderful culture to get back to.
      I’m an old dude… 64, and have sucked a whole lot of dicks, but I sure wish that it hadn’t been under the shadow of guilt and shame. I’m going to suck, fuck, and explore for as long as I am able, and I appreciate your post, reminding me that it’s not that outrageous!

    3. Hi Edward,
      I’m with you on all of your “points” of men enjoying these tryst’s; but, why did it take sooo long for us older men (me 70’s) to accept the fact that we men need each other to complete our love for each other!! And, man to man is the ultimate in sexuality , sharing not only our cocks but all of that wonderful “man juice!” Let’s all enjoy each other without any guilt or remorse!

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