Peace & Light

11 Replies to “ Peace & Light”

  1. Man’s beauty shines brightly between his legs the wonderful, erotic, sensual, elegant tool known as penis. All are beautiful, all are worthy, all are worshiped.

  2. Absolutely awesome philosophy! How true,guys!
    The picture of MAXLOO is terrific-great body,great cock!! Mmmm!!

  3. Alan-
    I absolutely agree with your findings. I have delved into the Kabbalah too, along with other ancient esoteric texts and found similar descriptions of the beginning. I came out late, at 45. Soon after that I came to the realization that gay sex was very different from regular straight sex and that gay men were somehow uniquely equipped to take on the role of Lightworker and Peacemaker. I don’t know how I came to this conclusion, I just knew. I have spent the 30 years since then creating community amongst gay men and sharing the knowledge I have acquired about the divinity bestowed upon gay men -by the spirit, the universe or whatever name you care to use. That is our calling and we celebrate that divinity each and every time we join with one another in homosex. Let this sacred act be a symbol of our joy in living!

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