Self buttocks massage can be a beneficial practice for relaxation and relieving muscle tension. Gently massaging the buttocks muscles, including the glutes and surrounding areas, can help improve blood circulation and alleviate discomfort from prolonged sitting or physical activity. Using your hands or a soft massage tool, apply gentle pressure in circular motions, gradually increasing intensity if comfortable. Remember to respect your body’s limits and avoid applying excessive force. Self buttocks massage can be incorporated into your wellness routine to promote comfort and relaxation in the lower body.

3 thoughts on “Self buttocks massage

  1. I worked as a masseur for 40 years. No man ever declined a good butt massage, gay or straight. I also would lube a finger and thumb and massage the anus.
    No body asked me to stop and many times the finger went inside. The straight men loved it too. A good ass massage can make you feel great all over and introduce you to sensations you never had before. Explore and enjoy,

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