I have absolutely had prostate orgasms that just left me longing for more. Full body shaking and even though at times no ejaculation, I would cum so hard that I felt faint and couldn’t stand up. I do have BPH and my prostate ebbs and flows between enlarged and normal. But the massage and “tube clearing” I do really keeps my prostate sensitive to the touch and evokes a massive ripple when touched during play. While I’m not fully confident that I am feeling what everyone else is… I feel something incredibly euphoric and I do t want it to stop!!! – MK

5 thoughts on “Prostate Induced

  1. I love prostate orgasms! Self induced with fingers or a toy is great but someone spurring the event is even better!
    Love when I’m high and prepping in the shower with the use of my fingers and dildo only for it to be better when my partner shoves his cock in me, hitting my prostate as he goes

  2. I have absolutely had prostate orgasms that just left me longing for more. Full body shaking and even though at times no ejaculation, I would cum so hard that I felt faint and couldn’t stand up.

    I do have BPH and my prostate ebbs and flows between enlarged and normal. But the massage and “tube clearing” I do really keeps my prostate sensitive to the touch and evokes a massive ripple when touched during play.

    While I’m not fully confident that I am feeling what everyone else is… I feel something incredibly euphoric and I do t want it to stop!!!

  3. I’ve had something vaguely similar to what the medical report reads. In my 20s I bought my first dildo. It was very large and realistic looking, with skin texture, veins and a well defined head. Naturally after I got it, spent the next few days fucking myself to the most amazing cumshots. But on the third day I woke up and my prostate felt weird, and I had trouble peeing, much like the symptoms of enlarged prostate or prostate cancer. I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with benign, slightly enlarged prostate. Was told it might fix itself on its own, which it did after about a week. The interesting part about it, is that my whole pelvic region felt like you do when you’ve just cum, when you are in the beginning of building up yo cum. A very pleasant feeling that was there all the time. Made me extremely horny, and for that week I had much trouble concentrating on my job or anything else. During the day I would go to the bathroom to masturbate up to 4-5 times. And the orgasms were incredible and felt like they were “all over the place”, not just my cock and perineum.

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