3 thoughts on “Omega Homosexuality

  1. In the BDSM world omega refers to those of us who freely accept that they were born to serve strong, independent and confident Men, even if They wish to degrade and humiliate us. We crave to obey and serve in many different ways, and our sense of peace and achievement comes from this service, for which we thank our Superiors for letting us even approach Them and be obedient to Them. This is an ancient institution seen as part of a natural order, and the sense of liberation even with sometimes very literal constraints ( a cock-cage with a key held by “the Owner”, being on call and accountable, learning His rules, etc) is ironically what sets us free and feels so good. Surrendering control and yet being needed enough to perform for, clean for, worship, and be sexually available according to the Alpha’s whims is above all an acknowledgment that we mirror a hierarchy that has existed over time whatever the vicissitudes of gay rights and ideas overlaid on them.
    The ancient and little known civilisation the Hephalites practised this, as did the Greeks and under the radar, various Empires over time. When the gospel story of the Centurion’s “servant” was translated from the Greek, for example, the word for servant (‘pais’) actually meant a sex slave. Jesus at no point questions the institution that could have sex slaves in it, nor condemns the Centurion, He merely offers to heal the sick boy of a physical illness: “only say the word”…

  2. Well, I’m happy to try the whole Greek alphabet of hot man-sex from
    The Alpha Gay to the Omega Gay and everything in between. Butt that’s me bi the way, nothing if not flexible and good at getting my tongue round a Greek man’s Peloponnese and up his Aeolian Isles. And if he’s a Colossus of Rhodes, I let him stride my Cyclades. For we have a lot for which to thank the ancient Greeks. It was, of course they who introduced the idea of sex for pleasure, and while the Romans extended that concept also to include women, the last word in man-sex should be truly Olympic in its Pantheon.

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